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Viewer Options

To access global Viewer options go to Tools and click the Options button:

Tools -> Options


View tab
  • Use group view—group connections in the address book according to their online status (i.e. "online" and "offline"). Not recommended with the number of items more than 1000.
  • Show "Add connection" button—show "Add connection" button in the content pane of the address book.
  • Update thumbnails—set connection thumbnails to update at the specified interval.
  • Show advanced hint window—show advanced hint window when hovering the mouse pointer over a connection in the address book.
  • Notify me when connection is online—show a desktop notification when a remote computer from the address book comes online.
  • Use notification for autologon—show a desktop notification when a remote computer with autologon enabled comes online.

Remote screen

remote screen tab
  • Tabbed view—show multiple sessions as tabs in the Full Control mode window.
  • Pin remote screens toolbar—pin the Full Control mode window toolbar.
  • Do not synchronize clipboard—turn off automatic clipboard sync. You can still transfer the clipboard contents manually using the "Get clipboard" and "Set clipboard" commands.
  • Session recording directory—select where to save session video recordings (see Video recording).
  • Session recording quality—set recording quality (1024x768, 720p and 1080p).


tray tab
  • Minimize to tray icon—set Viewer to minimize to the system tray area instead of to the taskbar.
  • Invert tray menu—flip items order in the tray icon context menu.
  • Minimize/restore—set Viewer to minimize and restore with either a single or double click.


search tab
  • Search thread count—set how many threads the program should use when scanning for Hosts.


callback tab
  • Allow callback—allow Viewer to accept incoming callback connection requests.
  • Port—specify the callback port (5651 by default).
  • Permissions—specify IP filtering rules for callback connection:
    • Allow everyone, except—use a black list.
    • Deny everyone, except—use a white list.
    • Edit—add the IP address or range to the selected list.


hotkeys tab

Define hotkeys that work in the Full Control and View mode.

  • Send Ctrl+Alt+Del—send Ctrl+Alt+Del key combination to the remote PC.
  • Full control / View only—switch between Full control and View only connection modes on-the-fly.
  • Change view mode—pressing this key will rotate the screen view modes (Normal, Stretch, Fullscreen and Fullscreen Stretch).
  • Show properties—pressing this key allows you to invoke connection properties window and change the properties on-the-fly without closing the session.
  • Pause—pause the remote session.
  • Close—close the Full Control and View window.
  • Reset—reset hotkeys to their defaults.


misc tab
  • Save last working directory—have the program memorize the last opened directory when working in the File Transfer mode.
  • Back up address book—turn on address book backups (see Back up address books).
  • Hide default domain controller—turn off Active Directory tree in the Viewer's Navigation pane.
  • Sign in automatically—automatically sign in on a self-hosted server. See Set up Address Book Sync and Set up Authentication Server).


update tab
  • Check for updates—set the check for updates interval.
  • Check for updates now!—immediately check for available updates.
  • Disable built-in notifications—turn off notifications about new updates that appear in the Viewer window.
  • Retrieve all notifications—show all recent notifications about new updates.

Event log

event log tab
  • Use event log—enable Viewer log.
    • Error logging—also log errors.
    • Store to disk—write the log to a file on the disk.
  • Show logs folder—open the logs folder.


protection tab
  • Encrypt address book—turn on address book encryption.
    • Lock workspace after computer is idle for—specify in how many minutes the Viewer workspace should lock if computer has been idle.
    • Lock when locking the computer or switching the user—lock Viewer workspace when locking Windows desktop or switching the Windows user account.
    • Lock on sleep—lock Viewer workspace when computer goes to sleep.
    • Lock when screensaver is activated—lock Viewer workspace when screensaver starts.
    • Lock when main window is minimized—lock Viewer workspace when the Viewer window is minimized to the taskbar or system tray.
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