Conrad Sallian's community posts

Please, read this if your license key doesn't work after upgrade

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3089)
Mar 06, 2021 12:50:08 pm EST
Things to note if you have upgraded your Viewer to version 7.x.x.x:

  • Your license key from version 6.x.x.x is incompatible with version 7.x.x.x. You must also upgrade your license key using this form
  • Your key upgrade may either be free or paid with a 50% discount. Please, read our Upgrade Policy, the section "Upgrading product version". We have never changed this policy for customers who purchased and use version 6.x.x.x license.
  • If you are not willing to upgrade to v. 7.x.x.x you can use version 6.x.x.x along with your v. 6.x.x.x license key forever. To roll back to version (the last v.6 minor release) please visit this v.6 download page

Can't add the old license after the update

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3089)
Mar 06, 2021 12:35:32 pm EST
Hi Zsolt,

The license key from version 6.x.x.x won't work even if you rename it an .rlicense file. Please, upgrade your license key on this page (note: Upgrade policy terms apply).

where can I find viewer ver. 6.10.9 (for windows)?

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3089)
Mar 04, 2021 6:48:58 am EST
Hi Marco,

May I ask why you need version 6.10.9 whereas version 6.10.10 has more fixes and is overall more stable? :)

where can I find viewer ver. 6.10.9 (for windows)?

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3089)
Mar 04, 2021 6:36:11 am EST
Hi Marco,

When it comes to the previous version we only provide the most recent version, which (for version 6) is

Update RU and now can not add license?

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3089)
Mar 03, 2021 6:49:53 am EST

Updating 20 machines is impractical, that is a job for another week

You do not have to manually update each and every Host machine or physically access it. You can simply send a command from the Viewer (see method 1: self update) to your Hosts. This command also works for multiple selected Hosts, although we still recommend to not update all of them in one go, but split in groups of say 5-10 hosts. Here is how to perform the self-update

Update RU and now can not add license?

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3089)
Mar 03, 2021 6:46:34 am EST
Hello Gaz,

You do not have to manually add anything.

Please, check your %APPDATA% location, the Remote Utilities Files folder. In that folder there is a file connections_4.xml . This is your general address book that you can import back to your Viewer (Manage -> Manual import command).

If this file is empty or corrupted for some reason, please check the backups folder. This folder contains daily backups of your address book. You can restore the latest backup as described here.

Hope that helps.

change host settings from configuration files or command line

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3089)
Mar 03, 2021 6:31:38 am EST
Hi Marco,

You can access host settings from the Viewer remotely using the Remote Settings command.

Hope that helps. cant open (remote pc) full screen like older versions

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3089)
Mar 03, 2021 6:29:43 am EST
Thank you for your feedback! We will test it out.

Update RU and now can not add license?

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3089)
Mar 03, 2021 6:29:03 am EST
Hello Gaz,

Thank you for your message.

There really should have been a mailshot AND an alert in the program that "Updating will mean you need to relicense the software"

While we normally never spam our users we will send a newsletter very soon anyway. Sorry for the inconvenince.

Problem now is it wants to update all the Hosts, but multiple users will still be using the older Viewer, will that matter (I assume that yes it will as it seems that any update means more work when it comes to RU).

I looked up your old license in our database. It seems like you have successfully upgraded to version 7 key. Just add this key to your Viewer as described in this guide.

Problem now is it wants to update all the Hosts, but multiple users will still be using the older Viewer, will that matter (I assume that yes it will as it seems that any update means more work when it comes to RU).

Update means more work when it comes to any remote control software simply because it has dual setup (two components rather than only one). It is always easier and hassle-free to upgrade "single-workstation" software (e.g. Photoshop).

That said, you don't have to upgrade to the next version. You can keep using v 6.x.x.x with your version 6 key forever. Simply uninstall the Viewer 7.x.x.x , download and re-install Viewer 6 from the old versions page.

In which case I will leave the Hosts on the old versions until I hear differently.

We recommend that you avoid version mismatch. You should either upgrade your hosts if you decide to use Viewer 7.x.x.x or downgrade to Viewer 6.x.x.x if not, so that your Viewer matches your hosts.

New features introduced in version 7.x.x.x either won't work at all with the outdated Hosts or will work incorrectly. Again, Remote Utilities is dual software - upgrading just one component is not enough to upgrade the whole product.

Hope that helps.

Version can't add old license key

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3089)
Mar 01, 2021 8:13:10 am EST
Hello Max,

I would suggest in the future, not to deprecate the "Simple Update" feature then. Since v7 got released, doing a simple update prompts that a new viewer is available. If you sel ect yes, you're forced to install v7. If you select no, it doesn't proceed with simple update and the feature is therefore deprecated. Work around is to use the Remote Install feature, though that takes longer with more clicks. Not the end of the world.

The simple update feature is supposed to be used to update to the most recent version. However, you are right saying that there are still ways to update to any other version (i.e. a previous version) using Remote install tool.

Anywhere I can find a roadmap or plan of what features you have prioritized next?

We do not publish a road map, sorry for that. I can say that our next priority is Mac/Linux release (Viewer and then Agent/Host) as well as updating mobile version with the ability to use a full-fledged address book (not just a list of entries). In fact, our highest priority is multi-platform support. Of course, we'll be adding minor improvements and fixes to the mix too.
