Pauline's community posts

RU Internet ID Servers Down?

Pauline, Support (Posts: 2906)
Dec 30, 2021 1:20:21 pm EST
Hello Trent,

Thank you for the provided details.

Please note that we've already responded to your email in order to avoid duplication.

Please feel free to post another message if you have other questions.

RU Internet ID Servers Down?

Pauline, Support (Posts: 2906)
Dec 29, 2021 4:11:20 pm EST
Hello Trent,

Thank you for the clarification.

In this case, the issue might be caused by something on the Host side blocking or interrupting the connection. In order to look into this further, could you please provide us the Host logs for examination? You can locate them in the following folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Remote Utilities - Host\Logs\.
Please don't publish the logs on the forum as they might contain some personal information - instead, please send them to

Looking forward to your reply.

Can I get a list of error codes and/or event codes

Pauline, Support (Posts: 2906)
Dec 29, 2021 4:05:50 pm EST
Hello Jason,

Thank you for your message.

Could you please clarify if you mean the log files? If this is the case then yes, Remote Utilities logs information for Host, Viewer, RU Server and even Agent. Here's how you can locate the log files.
In case if you mean something else, please let us know.

Hope that helps.

Custom Server Security Authorization Error

Pauline, Support (Posts: 2906)
Dec 29, 2021 4:02:16 pm EST
Hello Andreas,

Thank you for your message.

Could you please clarify if you're able to connect fr om the same Viewer to any other Host that uses another authentication method? In addition, could you please double-check, if possible, if you're able to connect to the same Host machine wh ere the issue occurs if you change the authentication method for this Host in the Host Settings (for example, if you enable the Single password)?

Looking forward to your reply.

You computer has been connected in a remote session...

Pauline, Support (Posts: 2906)
Dec 29, 2021 3:55:37 pm EST
Hello Pepa,

Thank you for your feedback.

I will forward this to our development department and will ask for their input on it.

I'll get back to you with an update from our developers shortly.

You computer has been connected in a remote session...

Pauline, Support (Posts: 2906)
Dec 29, 2021 3:53:44 pm EST
Hello Rob,

(Now just invert that world map before I go blind ;) )

Do you mean that your connection gets stuck on the "world map" window? If this is the case, please try enabling the Use legacy capture mode feature in the Host Settings -> Other tab. Please make sure to restart Host after enabling the feature in order for the changes to be applied.

Hope that helps.

Attempt to connect to online host, it goes offline and won't connect

Pauline, Support (Posts: 2906)
Dec 28, 2021 4:07:01 pm EST
Hello Douglas,

Of course, please feel free to let us know if there are any updates on the issue anytime.
In addition, please note that you can also update your Remote Utilities installation via the Self-Update feature.

Hope that helps.

Attempt to connect to online host, it goes offline and won't connect

Pauline, Support (Posts: 2906)
Dec 28, 2021 2:37:09 pm EST
Hello Douglas,

Thank you for the clarification.

Could you please try updating both Viewer and Host to the latest version and see if the issue still persists after updating? We've released an update a couple of days ago with a few minor fixes and improvements, so this might help in resolving the issue.
The latest version available for download on this page. Alternatively, you can just update via the Self-Update feature. Please make sure to update both Host and Viewer to the same version to avoid the version mismatch.

In case if the issue still occurs when using the latest version as well, you can send us the Host logs fr om the remote Host machine wh ere the issue occurs. Please do not publish them on the forum as they might contain some private information - instead you can send the log files to  

Hope that helps.

Mouse scroll broken on host after installing version

Pauline, Support (Posts: 2906)
Dec 28, 2021 8:42:25 am EST
Hello Peter,

Thank you for the clarification.

I will forward the issue to our development department to see if we're able to reproduce the issue.

I will keep you updated on the issue and will get back to you shortly.

View - Terminal mode crashes

Pauline, Support (Posts: 2906)
Dec 28, 2021 7:55:05 am EST
Hello Bill,

I'm glad to hear that the issue was resolved and it works for you now!

Please feel free to let us know if you have more questions or need our further assistance. We're always happy to help.