Conrad Sallian's community posts
Remote active directory

The domain controller that you want to add must be in directly visibility to the Viewer. Unfortunately, by design there is no way to broker this connection somehow, not to mention security implications.
Clearing up the tech/endpoint meaning

For the PRO license this wouldn't make much sense because the PRO license allows you unlimited address book records anyway.Still - perhaps it would be possible to provide this record-less approach at least in the PRO license type?
Custom code in Agent

Thank you for your suggestion.
Public API is on our wishlist for future versions, but unfortunately for now it isn't among our immediate priorities.
Don't hesitate to ask me if you have other questions.
Clearing up the tech/endpoint meaning

Thank you for your message.
A "tech" refers to a Viewer currently being actively used (i.e. with a remote session running).Does a "tech" refer to a person or to a simultaneous connection?
I believe that in this example your 10 simultaneous connections may or may not be established from 10 Viewers (i.e. some Viewers may initiate multiple simultaneous connections). But for Remote Utilities licensing the number of simultaneous connections from the same Viewer is irrelevant because it's not limited. You should only count the Viewers.If we have 20 employees but never exceed 10 simultaneous connections, do we need 20 licenses or would 10 licenses suffice? If those 10 simultaneous connections are made by 5 distinct people, could we get away with just 5 licenses?
Therefore, in this scenario you need a 5-tech license because you are writing that there are 5 employees who are supposed to work from 5 Viewers (one employee from each Viewer) simultaneously. This is regardless of how many connections each employees establishes from their Viewer.
Also, our license is neither hardware-bound nor attached to a specific person. This means that any 5 employees can work from any 5 Viewers simultaneously. Just make sure that the Viewers are registered with the license key.
A remote computer where either Host or Agent is running. Endpoints are represented in your address book as connections.What exactly does an "endpoint" entail?
You will not be able not to use the address book at all. Before you connect to a remote computer you first must add a connection to your address book.If we don't want to use address books at all (we very much prefer the "agent" solution as then we can prove to our customers that we can't connect to their systems without their knowledge and approval), should we even care about the number of endpoints?
v6.10.5 upgrade(s)

While the antivirus software can be the same, it evolves just like any other software (engine updates) with threat definition databases updated on a regular basis. Currently, Remote Utilities is clean across all antivirus programs (according to VirusTotal reports) so this may not necessarily be the cause, but whenever there is an issue with the Host service not working properly antivirus/security software should be checked first. Besides, you mentioned problems not only with remote update but also with clean Host installation. It looks like the same factor in both cases affects how the Host service starts (or rather does not start in this case).
As always, before we can tell what might possibly be going on, we need to look at the logs. These are the following logs:
- Host log (C:\Program Files(x86)\Remote Utilities - Host\Logs\)
- Host installation log (C:\ProgramData\Remote Utilities\install.log )
- Windows Events Log -> Application log
Could you please send us these logs to for examination.
Thank you.
v6.10.5 upgrade(s)

Whether you are installing the Host from scratch or updating and existing installation, it looks like something prevents the Host service from starting after either the update or new installation.
What antivirus software is installed on the Host computers? We need to eliminate this cause first before we proceed troubleshooting.
Also, here is a related knowledge base article
configurator problem

configurator problem

To test out this issue we must know what you choose in all configuration steps, not just in Step 3. Could you take screenshots of all steps? We'll try to reproduce the problem.
Thank you.
configurator problem

As already mentioned above, ID is unique for each machine and cannot be duplicated.i will have the same id on the same machine or i will have the same id on every machine
We will do our best :)let's see when new id for every session will be available
Yes, correct. In this case the old Agent settings (if any) on the remote computer will get overwritten with new Agent settings, including the Internet-ID code.just one question, for get a new ID, the correct behavior when i create/upgrade a new agent is (attached)?
Let me know if you have other questions.
configurator problem

Thank you for the details.
This was an unexpected behavior, a bug (which masqueraded as a feature). We fixed it in the subsequent updates.with the older version 6.9.4 if I not check anything in internet id (see image) everytime the agent start it change the id.
The correct behavior is this: when you do not select "Generate a new Internet-ID code" , the ID will stay the same on the remote computer where you previously ran the Agent. However, if you do enable this checkbox, the ID will get generated anew. This is how it works in the current version.
As for getting a new ID generated each time you run the same Agent on the same computer (i.e. a new ID for each session) , this feature is in our wish list just as Polina mentioned above.
Hope that helps.