Hi Ashley,
General > Default connections name is (((GRIFFCOMM
If the default name is empty, the computer name it taken. If the field is populated its value is added a prefix to computername.
even when i add the PASSWORD under security i cant connect to the host, its online then offline, online, offline.....
There is no default password, however as i said when i change the password on the already added address book entry it doesn't fix the issue, only deleting and re-adding. Could this be a connection name issue?
The password field you can see in connection properties in the Viewer is just for convenience, i.e. to auto-fill the password prompt and let you connect to the Host without entering the password to save time. The actual password is set on the Host (Right click Host icon -> Settings for Host -> Security). In order to successfully connect to the Host you must specify this password in your Viewer, regardless how exactly you do that - manually on password prompt, or pre-fill in the connection properties.
Hope that helps.