Conrad Sallian's community posts

Access Network Shares/Drives

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3106)
Jan 29, 2014 10:50:03 pm EST
Hello Omar,

Network drives in the File Transfer mode are not yet supported. We'll implement this in one of the future versions.


Connecting to not licensed Host with Internet-ID

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3106)
Jan 29, 2014 1:29:18 pm EST
Hello Dimitar,

Thank you for the kind words!

Is it true that connection to the host may be done only from viewer with license which match to host license?

No. You can connect from any Viewer.

What is wrong in my scenario?
Is this correct?

Your scenario is ok. We do not force-check Host license on the Viewer side. But you won't be able to work with more than 10 remote hosts in your Viewer, if they are registered with a free license.  

mouse button order

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3106)
Jan 29, 2014 1:18:11 pm EST

N W wrote:
Is there a way to swap the mouse button order in the remote utilities interface?

If I connect to a PC where the user has set up their mouse as a left-handed mouse then the left and right mouse buttons are reversed and it's very difficult to control the remote PC

I know I can change it on the remote PC but then I have to remember to change it back, so it's a bit inconvenient.

I'm a convert from LogMeIn (I way prefer the Remote Utilities interface) and in LogMeIn I had no problems with the mouse button order.


Thank you for your message. No, currently there's no such feature. But I will add it to our wish list. I'm also moving the topic to the "Feature suggestions" forum.

Desktop & Portable Uses

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3106)
Jan 29, 2014 9:36:23 am EST
Thank you for your message.

You can use the portable Viewer as you like, just like the desktop Viewer. License is applied on the Host side, not the Viewer side. As long as your Hosts are licensed, you can connect to them from any number of Viewers.

Hope that helps.  

Connection Problem

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3106)
Jan 28, 2014 12:13:42 pm EST

mratner wrote:
Thank you for the quick reply - I appreciate it.

Actually, after much closer look, it turns out that the blue circle on the icon appears right after I start the Host but disappears after 30-40 seconds. The proxy settings are exactly as in my browsers on the same computer (using port 8080).

I'm seeing an error in the Host's log:

2014-01-27 20:50:41:636 34 RUT Host 56005 is started. Windows 6.1 32bit
2014-01-27 20:50:42:030 96 Internet-ID: Connection established ID: S-C1EFA641-C045-4C32; Port: 5655
2014-01-27 20:50:47:800 96 Internet-ID: Connection established ID: S-C1EFA641-C045-4C32; Port: 5655
2014-01-27 20:50:53:563 96 Internet-ID: Connection established ID: S-C1EFA641-C045-4C32; Port: 5655
2014-01-27 20:50:59:326 96 Internet-ID: Connection established ID: S-C1EFA641-C045-4C32; Port: 5655
2014-01-27 20:51:05:091 96 Internet-ID: Connection established ID: S-C1EFA641-C045-4C32; Port: 5655
2014-01-27 20:51:05:615 63 Exception: DisconnectCount (EIdException). Information
2014-01-27 20:51:10:619 96 Internet-ID ErrorCode <> 0 Error code: 1
2014-01-27 20:52:11:025 96 Internet-ID: Connection established ID: S-C1EFA641-C045-4C32; Port: 5655
2014-01-27 20:52:11:547 63 Exception: DisconnectCount (EIdException). Information
2014-01-27 20:52:16:551 96 Internet-ID ErrorCode <> 0 Error code: 1

In "Information" I see this:
Stack list
(0035B087){rutserv.exe } [0075C087] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept + $2F0AB7
(000D0D1D){rutserv.exe } [004D1D1D] Unknown function at TMethodImplementationIntercept + $6674D

Does this shed any light on what the problem might be?



If the circle beside the icon stays grey, it means that the Host hasn't been able to establish an outgoing connection to our intermediary server.

Please, note that although the Internet ID connection is supposed to be used for firewall bypass/traversal, it still requires some outgoing ports to be open for work. In some organizations network policies are so strict that they block all ports except those absolutely necessary for web browsing and e-mail.

Check this knowledge base article for more information on what ports should be open for what type of connection:

Hope that helps.

Disconnect from Host Side

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3106)
Jan 27, 2014 6:42:51 pm EST
Hello Travis,

You can disconnect the Viewer in a couple of different ways:

1. By stoping the Host service. You can do that by using the "Stop Host" item in the context menu or in Windows Start -> Remote Utilities - Host -> Stop Host. You can also stop the Host service (rutserv.exe) in the list of processes.

2. By clicking on the X button in the notification panel (provided that option to show notification panel is enabled in the Host settings).

Stopping the Host like described in p. 1 is available only when you are an "administrator" on the remote machine. That is, a "user account" won't be able to stop the process without admin rights. However, p. 2 is always available for any account.

Hope that helps.

REQ: Address Book management/functionality

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3106)
Jan 27, 2014 4:40:14 pm EST

Mike G wrote:
Sure. To be able to import/export a singe PC entry (or a selection) instead of exporting the entire address book. So if you think about contacts work in Outlook, you can export the entire contacts folder to a PST file or you can send somebody a single contact entry.

I see. Ok, added to the wish list.

Technician - Supporting Four Companies

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3106)
Jan 27, 2014 4:33:45 pm EST
Hi Mark,

Precisely. it is commercial use and in most cases "paid for" by the companies who registers it. I am not sure why you are suggesting that you would be "Providing the license for free"

Sorry, I didn't get you at first. I thought it was all about free use.

I wasn't asking specifically for e.g. 40 Free. I was enquiring on whether it was possible to "add" a mix of Paid and Free hosts to my viewer in times of need eg they require support. Example:

Company A & B: 15 each paid: (Total 30 Paid)
Company C: X4 Free (Total 4 Free)
Family A, B,C,D X2 Free each (Total 8 Free)

Above example is made up of three companies & four family individuals of which 30 are paid for and 12 are free.

The program won't allow you to add more than 10 Hosts registered with a free license (be it the same license or different licenses) into the same address book. And if you still keep the free license in the lIcense key storage, you won't be able to add a paid license there until you delete the free one, and vice versa.

I suspect you are saying that I need to be the one that "Purchases" 42 licences on behalf of the above and register under my account which (in my specific case) would not work.

It's stated on our Licensing page and in the EULA. Also, if you are the only administrator/operator, it just doesn't make sense to pay on the "remote PC" basis in this case, because 1 "per operator" license will be less expensive and will allow you to register not only 42 but an unlimited number of computers. It is what this type of license was designed for in the first place.

I totally understand and needed to check before heading down this path. Its a great product and am sure the Licencing model will work for single companies.

Yes, it's primarily aimed at single companies with less than 10 PCs or home users who occasionally connect to their home PCs or help their friends and family. For a more extensive use a paid license is supposed to replace the free one entirely.

Feel free to ask me if you have additional questions. Thanks!

per operator licence

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3106)
Jan 27, 2014 4:15:53 pm EST

Mike G wrote:
As an IT company, we have a 2x operator licence. We have a couple of medium sized customers that we might try and get to purchase their own 1x operator licence for their own IT (that we support).

If they use their own META key on their PC's, can we connect to their PC's/Servers with our copy of RUT?

Yes, you can. For the paid license the primary condition is that the Host is registered. It doesn't matter who registered the Host - you as a helpdesk company or the supported company. Either will work. Drawing a line here would only complicate things.  

Forgetting to unregister hosts

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3106)
Jan 27, 2014 4:13:09 pm EST

Am I correct in assuming that the enforcement is in the viewer and that I never have to worry about those ghosts other than just deleting them from my viewer?

Thanks for your question. Absolutely.