Conrad Sallian's community posts
Moving license key between computers
Thank you for your message. Yes, of course you can register multiple Viewer instances.
Please, let me know if you have other questions.
Different resolution from the remote PC
Thank you for your message.
Yes, we will be adding the ability to change the resolution on the remote side. This feature is on our wishlist for the nearest future.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Yes, correct. Or it may be the total number of remote computers in other organizations (or at individual homes) that you support remotely, depending on your scenario.Lsd Lsd wrote:
Last question so when i compare licenses end points mean how much PC's i have in organisation ?
Thank you for your message.
If you no longer connect to a remote endpoint you can delete it from your address book and add another endpoint instead. However, for 100 endpoints you still need a Pro license.
Let me know if you have other questions.
Remote Utilities 6.12 Beta
I understand your frustration. We updated the release dates for the beta on the site to avoid misleading, although we also had to update that for the Host (despite it wasn't changed). A note to release notes was also added.Right now, my PC has two files names "viewer6.12.b2.exe" with different file sizes. One has a digital signature signing date of May 13, and another one says May 18. The release date is May 6. The server's beta 2 has a signing time of May 5, which is what I'd expect with a May 6 release. But May 13 and May 18th? This implies that you didn't just have TWO different "viewer6.12.b2.exe" with different hashes, but (AT LEAST) THREE. Can you comment on that?
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Remote Utilities 6.12 Beta
Thank you for your suggestion.
However, this specific "bug" was just something we overlooked on the building stage rather than a bug in the program itself (related to its functionality, that is). So we decided to keep it the same number.
Can't buy software fastspring
I will forward your message to Sales. Thanks.
Remote Utilities 6.12 Beta
The primary reason is that the "driver method" is outdated and soon won't be supported by Windows at all. Besides, the new method is more versatile - namely, it will work on laptops without blocking out the brightness controls (whereas the driver method has such problem).
Yes, there are downsides like the degraded colors when you enable the blanking remote screen, but with further updates we'll see how we can improve that.
viewer was unable to start
Thank you for your message.
Please, fully exit the Viewer, locate the folder %appdata%\Remote Utilities Files\ and delete the file config_4.xml. Then start the Viewer. This will re-create the configuration file and should help with the issue.
Multiple Viewer workstations?
Thank you for your message.
Yes.With a Free version of RU, will I be able to work from multiple Viewer workstations – one at a time?
No, you don't have to install both modules on each computer. Viewer and Host perform different tasks. Viewer is the admin/tech module with which you actually "work" when you are on remote session whereas the Host is a "listening" component installed on remote machines. Both modules are necessary for a remote session - each on its own side of a remote connection.And for each workstation, do I therefore need to have both Viewer and Host installed on each one?
Let me know if you have other questions.