
v7 can't connect first time after boot

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Pauline, Support (Posts: 2906)
Oct 15, 2021 2:49:09 pm EDT
Hello Victor,

Please note that in this case you should be able to change the Host's Settings remotely via the Remote Settings feature. Simply log in to the remote connection, then right-click on the connection in the address book and select Remote Settings as described here. In this case after applying the changes Host will be restarted automatically and then you should be able to reconnect to the remote Host.

Hope that helps.
jeyapaul victor, User (Posts: 3)
Oct 17, 2021 5:59:50 am EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Polina, Thanks for the information. That did the trick. I was able to connect with no problem. But some how the screen resolution went too low and the content wouldn't fit in the screen. Couldn't scroll the window setting screen. Whwn I tried to adjust the resolution of the host from the host, the resolution option was greyed out. When I have a monitor connected to the host, the resolution gets better on the viewer and when I removed it then the resolution goes back to way low.

So I finally decided to go back to the older version. Re-installed Viewer and host to version 6.

But now I can not upload or drag the licence key to the key storage window in the version 6 viewer. The drag option seems to be changed to edit mode. Any idea how I can upload the key .

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v7 can't connect first time after boot
Pauline, Support (Posts: 2906)
Oct 18, 2021 3:46:09 pm EDT
Hello Victor,

I'm glad to hear it works for you now! However, please note that the Host's resolution cannot be changed by Remote Utilities - this can only be done directly in the Host machine's settings (i.e. not the Host settings). As for the content of the window not fitting the screen - please try switching the windows' view to Stretch view mode which will stretch or shrink the remote screen image to fit into the Full Control window. This can be done via the Toolbar's Additional Commands menu or by setting the view mode to Stretch in the Connection Properties window -> Mode tab.

But now I can not upload or drag the licence key to the key storage window in the version 6 viewer. The drag option seems to be changed to edit mode. Any idea how I can upload the key .

Please note that license keys for version 7 of Remote Utilities (i.e. the *rlicense file) are not compatible with version 6 or older of Remote Utilities and vice versa. This means that you can only register version 6 of Remote Utilities if you have had a previous license key before (the keys for version 6 are stored in the *txt file format) as it cannot be registered with a new key for version 7.

In case if you previously had a license key for version 6 but cannot locate it, please try using this Recover Lost Key form - this form will automatically generate and send you an email with all license key that are associated with your specified email address. In case if you've never had a license key for version 6 of Remote Utilities then, unfortunately, it cannot be obtained anymore as we do not distribute license key for the previous versions. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hope that helps.

* Website time zone: America/New_York (UTC -5)