Conrad Sallian's community posts

[Existing feature] One left click to...

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3089)
Dec 14, 2011 12:56:52 am EST
Hi Genie,

In the RUT-Viewer main menu, select Tools -> Options -> Tray tab, and then select 'Single click'.

Hope that helps :)

Remote Utilities 5.1

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3089)
Dec 12, 2011 6:47:26 pm EST

We encourage you to post your comments about Remote Utilities version 5.1 here in this topic.

Thank you! :)


Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3089)
Oct 15, 2011 4:42:22 am EDT

Thanks for your questions.

tillithz wrote:
So with 1 license on that laptop, would you be able to connect to two, or three clients at a the same time? or would you have to end the one, and start the next?

Yes, you'll be able to connect to several clients simultaneously. We don't limit the Helpdesk license in that way.

Also, does the Helpdesk license allow for Unattended connection?


[resolved] Slight issue in remote session

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3089)
Sep 30, 2011 4:42:57 am EDT
Hi, Martin

Thanks for the kind words.  :)  We will add knowledge base articles that describe issues with other software, especially popular programs, like TuneUp Utilities. People must know that sometimes it's a third-party application that blocks normal operation of RUT.

[resolved] Slight issue in remote session

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3089)
Sep 25, 2011 9:03:43 am EDT
That's a good idea, Martin. I'll send you a message. Meanwhile I'll move this topic to the techsupport forum.

[resolved] Slight issue in remote session

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3089)
Sep 25, 2011 8:36:20 am EDT
Could you please provide more information on what Windows version  is installed on both PCs. That may help to find the problem.

[resolved] Slight issue in remote session

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3089)
Sep 25, 2011 8:34:53 am EDT
Hi Martin,

Thanks for the detailed description. We'll need to try to reproduce it and fix. I'll get back here with the update on this issue.

[resolved] Remote Utilities thru a tunnel

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3089)
Sep 12, 2011 3:49:35 am EDT
Thanks for the kind words.  8) We are going to release the version 5.1 soon. This one will have some major improvements, so stay tuned. I would recommend you subscribing to our product newsletter, the subscription form is available on the home page. This way you will get notified about the new version when it is out.

P.S. "Soon" here means "within a 1-1.5 month timeframe".

[resolved] Remote Utilities thru a tunnel

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3089)
Sep 11, 2011 7:18:27 am EDT
Hi Alex,

1. No, SSH tunnel is not in our plans.

2. RDP has nothing to do with RUT's performance. You can check it for yourself if you use the generic RDP client instead of RUT-Viewer. As for the remote feature, you probably meant 'Full control' or 'View only' mode. Try to reduce the color depth a little bit, and use the 'Economode'. You will find both these settings in the 'Properties' for the connection in the RUT-Viewer.

BTW, I would recommend you upgrading to the v.5.0.  :) Apart from new features, such as the Internet ID, there were numerous little fixes that were made in the version 5.0.


Knowledge Base

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3089)
Aug 22, 2011 8:28:57 am EDT
Hi Genie,

Long time no see :) Thanks for visiting.