Conrad Sallian's community posts

Connection Issues - Single point in network not accessible

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3013)
Mar 06, 2014 4:00:38 am EST
Hello Wes,

Seems like something is definitely not right with the OS installation on the Host PC. Try to install this and see if it fixes the issue.


Keyboard assignments

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3013)
Mar 06, 2014 3:58:10 am EST
Hi Chris,

When implementing, be sure that when Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Whatever makes control go readonly that the control alt and shift keys aren't held down permanently down on the host. If the host gets the keydowns, it must get the keyups after control is readonly.

That makes sense. Thanks.

Mouse or keyboard active at the host

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3013)
Mar 06, 2014 3:40:21 am EST
Hello Robert,

Thanks for the post.

You mean, being able to tell if the remote PC is being actively used? No. But this is an interesting suggestion to be put on our wish list.

Connection Issues - Single point in network not accessible

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3013)
Mar 06, 2014 3:30:00 am EST
Hello Wes,

Thank you for the detailed post.

C cannot be connected to

There is no Host (remote) module for mobile devices yet. We are considering it, but it's among our immediate priorities.  

B cannot connect to A
C cannot connect to A.

This implies that there is a problem with the host.

Most certainly.

MSE is running on computers A and B. Unknown interactions.

Other users reported issues with Host connectivity on PCs where MSE is running. So please make sure you explicitly add the Host module to the antivirus exceptions and allow the incoming port 5650 (if you didn't change it by default).

The connection mode is disabled.
I'm not sure what this is asking.

Here's the explanation - the Modes tab . Make sure that the connection modes you want to use are checked.

Network interface binding
I'm not sure what this is asking.

Nevermind if you are using version because we removed network interface binding starting that version.

Attempted to use Internet ID in lieu of Direct IP, but this could also not connect.

Have you checked if the Host successfully connects to an intermediary server? You can tell that by looking at the Host icon on computer A - there's a small blue circle on it when you enable Internet ID. If this circle stays blue, then the connection to an intermediary server is ok. If it's grey, then the Host cannot reach the intermediary server.

2014-03-05 00:49:06:938 63 Exception: Microsoft MSXML is not installed (DOMException). Information

I'll get back to you later on this when I get a response from Tier 2.

Registry issues. Computer A runs with Windows installed on an SSD with ProgramFiles and ProgramFiles64 symbolically linked to locations on HD. Some programs have had issues with registry files directing to the wrong location since the SSD switch. This is approximately when issues started to occur.

This might be an issue. Again, I need to hear what our developers think of this and I'll get back to you.


An other little issue in rut.host5.6fr.msi

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3013)
Mar 05, 2014 11:15:16 am EST
Hi Thomas,

We'll fix that too. Thanks!

Kaspersky detection

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3013)
Mar 05, 2014 9:21:21 am EST
Hello Thomas,

Thanks for letting us know. We have actually been working on this and requested Kaspersky lab about this issue.

Little issue in French.lg

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3013)
Mar 05, 2014 3:35:07 am EST
Hi Thomas,

Oops. We'll fix that. Thanks!

Don't worry about the installer itself, it's the very latest, because we updated the localized files very recently.

One click msi

Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3013)
Mar 04, 2014 4:33:58 am EST

First, double check if you have the latest Viewer installed and Host package downloaded. As of now, March 4 2014 the latest version is  

Secondly, make sure that you don't do any prior configurations on that Host file , because the default option for the Standard MSI option is to overwrite the Host package. So you might end up with an already configured Host package accidentally. In other words, it should be a purely vanilla Host package freshly downloaded from the site.

Hope that helps.


Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3013)
Mar 01, 2014 3:36:46 pm EST

David wrote:
Is there any way to add this information to your KB?

Sure. We'll add it soon.


Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3013)
Mar 01, 2014 3:05:45 pm EST
Hello David,

Here are the codes:

  ///  <summary>Host MSI-package product code</summary>
 RMS_SERVER_PRODUCT_CODE = '{0D3BB12F-9903-4D4A-A062-97947D2AB44E}';

 // Old codes.
 // '{CD7345AB-1F62-4439-ABAD-93C1E3E21CB0}';
 // '{6F7CB24C-EC9C-4C62-9C8C-92EAEA2C96DD}';
 // '{E4F5957B-983F-4EB8-A68C-8180CD515AA9}'
 // '{581F3469-7669-4D63-BADF-B58CE7E49A44}' beta 1
 // '{C2AD926E-45DC-4C5F-88A0-63AEE6A3262A}';
 // '{54067864-C0E7-47DB-A0C1-D6C874CE6BD8}';
 // '{9568D4BD-1680-442A-BD7C-671DF1243F10}';
 // '{DE65418E-4AE4-4C50-AB58-F9925FDF99F7}';
 // '{22CB67D6-42F4-4438-BC26-7B3F2982B897}';
 // '{0024CAA7-4422-4F5C-A488-4BEC32770887}';
 // '{DEA713CF-01AB-4044-8D55-332C4943E10B}';
 // '{71610CCC-7558-4636-9EF2-5E5F9B5D91C4}'; 5.4 rut
 // '{2B0A2EED-E2C8-40CE-A701-95B211A39B34}'; 5.3.1b2
 // '{B69DEEEC-840A-46E0-BDB6-A7F1AD9D26E6}'; 5.3.1b1
 // '{B04BFE4C-7F11-49D8-ADFE-867939D886FA}'; 5.3
 // '{A07D7871-549B-4CE7-985D-081A6F583376}'  5.2.2
 // '{AB7AA605-500F-4153-8207-FB5563419112}'; 5.2.1
 // '{54D1AB84-6B0B-445D-B7AB-E2B2FEEC3A4F}'; RMS 5.2.0
 // '{5B1EC627-A9CA-4BE8-966E-5FCB90ECD770}'; RMS 5.2 RC1
 // '{19349215-1918-43F4-92AC-A39C71DBDFC4}'; RUT 5.2.0
 // '{A5DB67DC-DB0E-4491-B9F7-F258A02EE03C}'; 5.1.3b2
 // '{11A90858-40BB-4858-A2DA-CA6495B5E907}';  5.1 and less.