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johnran's community posts

Is it secure? or not?

john Randal, User (Posts: 120)
Mar 12, 2020 3:16:50 pm EDT
So in short there is no need for a VPN using your client to connect to my computer at work , correct?

Is it secure? or not?

john Randal, User (Posts: 120)
Mar 12, 2020 1:27:52 pm EDT
So when I connect to my office computer from my home via your remotes utilities connection ID, is my connection secure and private or shall I still run another program such as Private Internet Access ? and if I do run the Private Internet Access does it protect me using the remote utilities?

Edit GPO policys in remote utilies

john Randal, User (Posts: 120)
Jan 12, 2020 1:39:40 pm EST
thank you

Edit GPO policys in remote utilies

john Randal, User (Posts: 120)
Jan 09, 2020 5:28:16 pm EST
I was referring to like other modes? like terminal and so on not with the full control mode.

Edit GPO policys in remote utilies

john Randal, User (Posts: 120)
Jan 09, 2020 2:35:18 pm EST
Is there a way to edit GPO policy's in the Remote utilities program?


john Randal, User (Posts: 120)
Apr 22, 2019 12:01:56 pm EDT
Unable to connect to server is it down?

Configure my on server?

john Randal, User (Posts: 120)
Mar 04, 2019 3:19:57 pm EST
Ok right now I use the Remote utilities server they offer, If I place the server install software on one of my computers in the office and say that main IP is 67.234.244.XXX , how do I configure it so it knows say computer 1 at ip address and the second computer is at 192.168.55 and the third is at ?  I see the internet ID that I use now, but how do I tell it to go  to the correct computer at the same main IP address?

Not connecting

john Randal, User (Posts: 120)
Mar 03, 2019 4:26:02 pm EST
THANKS Working now are there any clear instructions or videos on creating out own server to point tot he computers ? and any instructions on a sonic wall firewall to pass them through? have you ever added this feature to a synolgy unit?

Not connecting

john Randal, User (Posts: 120)
Mar 03, 2019 9:33:37 am EST
Ive noticed i cannot connect to my hosts they timeout are you having problems with the online server?

Way to use Local Group policy Editor

john Randal, User (Posts: 120)
Jan 12, 2019 10:50:06 am EST
Is there a way to remote in to the " Local Group Policy editor " and make changes via the remote utilities console?