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john kumpf's community posts

Decommisioning Old PC's - Forgot to unregister RU client

john kumpf, User (Posts: 85)
Aug 27, 2015 11:24:48 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Conrad, your "unregister the Host" link from last year to
now gets redirected to
which is titled "License types" which is close, but not quite.
I think things have changed in v6? or v6.1? or v6.3? somewhere along there.
How do you "unregister" a host now? Delete from address book?

Managing computer IDs in IOS version

john kumpf, User (Posts: 85)
Aug 27, 2015 2:47:23 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
I also request this, which is also requested here:

For me, it's fine to type in the name anew in the iOS app when first connecting, rather than have it know automatically from an online account.

Simple name for systems

john kumpf, User (Posts: 85)
Aug 27, 2015 2:40:55 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial

can't find app in iOS app store

john kumpf, User (Posts: 85)
Aug 27, 2015 2:37:34 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
It appears now. I downloaded it on an iPhone 4 (pre-Siri) and iOS 7 and it worked. I would like the feature request of naming the connections so i dont have to track the IDs separately.

EDIT: That feature was requested in this forum here:
and here:

Alt+Tab and Windows+Tab to local PC?

john kumpf, User (Posts: 85)
Aug 27, 2015 2:27:25 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial

That's why we use a modifier instead that works temporarily, i.e. when pressed.

Then I suggest the best answer is Shift + F12 (or whatever) works temporarily upon the next Alt + Tab or Shift + Alt + Tab. Just not simultaneous. One then the other. Shift + F12 then let go, then, Alt + Tab. If you click or hit some other key or move the mouse or return the window to focus, the effect of Shift + F12 goes away. Or maybe its effect just times out.

Or implement both methods.

Unable to make Agent.exe

john kumpf, User (Posts: 85)
Aug 27, 2015 2:14:11 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Stefan Lenders, what did you do to "clean the registry"?

Alt+Tab and Windows+Tab to local PC?

john kumpf, User (Posts: 85)
Aug 22, 2015 2:56:06 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
It works!

Well, almost. If you have, say, notepad open and in focus on the remote system, when you hit Q, a Q will be typed into the document. But holding Q down and continuing to hit Alt + Tab WILL then proceed to cycle the local windows.  Cool.

But having the Q be typed remotely is not ideal. So you first have to make sure the program that's in focus remotely does not respond to Q. So it's still a two step process. So, again, i think some special key to switch focus back to local windows (which is also an extra step) is cleaner, and an acceptable lack of convenience.

Windows doesn't have a special notion for "remote" and "local" windows, hence we need to invite ways to split the Alt + Tab behavior for these two categories.

This a bit beyond me, but, if I speculate, most programs do not process, themselves, Alt + Tab. Rather Windows catches that and cycles thru windows. So I am guessing that RUT has some way of intercepting that, and directing it to remote windows instead. So what I suspect would work is that, say, Shift + F12 would turn off that feature of RUT capturing Alt + Tab, and then let Windows capture it and do its regular cycle. And then we'd need a way of setting it back so Alt + Tab goes remote again. In my opinion, when the local window (which contains all the remote windows) comes back into focus, Alt + Tab should automatically shift back to remote. Another way of saying this is that Shift + F12 only temporarily lets the local windows see Alt + Tab. This is awfully technical for a speculation ;)

That documentation you mention sounds very useful!

Alt+Tab and Windows+Tab to local PC?

john kumpf, User (Posts: 85)
Aug 20, 2015 12:50:30 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Conrad Sallian wrote:

Did you try to use Q as the modifier? It should work.

I dont know what this means. We are talking about an alternative to Alt + Shift + Tab, right?
Alt + Tab still goes to remote. So does this mean Alt + Q + Tab.
Because if I hit Alt + Q it goes to my remote program, and when I then hit Tab, it's a separate key.
If I hit Q + Tab, that's two keystrokes, Q, then Tab.
If I hit Alt + Tab, it cycles thru remote windows, if i keep them pressed and then hit Q, it goes as Alt + Q to my remote application.

I dont understand "Q as a modifier" at all. If I hit the Alt, Shift or Ctrl keys, nothing happens until I hit another key because they are modifiers. If I hit Q, something does happen. It doesnt wait around for another key, cuz it's not a modifier.

Alt+Tab and Windows+Tab to local PC?

john kumpf, User (Posts: 85)
Aug 17, 2015 3:40:09 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Meant to say that: both are windows 7. Alt-A-Tab? But 'A' isnt a modifier.

I suggest you stick with F12 since you use it for other things. Looks like based on default settings
  • Shift+F12
  • Shift+Ctrl+F12
  • Shift+Ctrl+Alt+F12
  • Shift+Alt+F12
are still available. And it would be nice to be settable in HotKeys like the others.

Note that, really, it does not have to be, technically, "cycle between local windows", but more like "shift focus to local window manager". Once that happens, Alt+Tab and Shift+Alt+Tab will be serviced by local window manager. As will Window+Tab and Shift+Window+Tab. This would require say Shift+F12, then let go of keys, then Alt+Tab. So it takes one separate key combo extra to start cycling. For example, what I do now, when focus is on the remote window, is click the task bar of the local windows, then Alt+Tab works locally.

One more detail. When you do Alt+F12 (or click the icon) to go into view only, all the keystrokes STILL go to the remote window manager. Instead of that, in view only, it would be nice if
  • Alt + Tab
  • Shift + Alt + Tab
  • Windows + Tab
  • Shift + Windows + Tab
went to the local windows manager, much like they do for any other window of any other program that's in focus.
Edited:john kumpf - Aug 17, 2015 3:50:11 pm EDT

Alt+Tab and Windows+Tab to local PC?

john kumpf, User (Posts: 85)
Aug 17, 2015 10:40:24 am EDT
Support level: Free or trial
I *finally* :P upgraded to 6.3. This feature was announced in My viewer (portable) and my host (the agent) are at v6.3.0.6.

But when I tried Shift + Alt + Tab it just cycled backwards thru the REMOTE windows, like usual. Do I have to enable it?  I notice that this key combo is not listed in Viewer -> Tools -> Options -> HotKeys, whereas the other new one released at the same time, Alt + F12, to switch from full control to view only, is there.