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I sent the files you requested for just one of the computers and included the event log for the 24 hours when I know it happen..Pauline wrote:
Hello John,
Thank you for your message.
Could you please send us the latest Host log files along with the Windows Event logs and the Host registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Usoris\Remote Utilities Host\ fr om a few Host machines wh ere the issue have re-occurred? You can send the files to as usual.
In addition, please specify the exact name of the Windows Update that was installed on the machines in question.
Looking forward to your reply.

Thank you for the provided files.
I've forwarded them to our developers for examination and asked them to look into the issue once again. I'll get back to you shortly with an update from our devs.
I'll keep you updated on the issue.
We have been forced to run dual remote access applications on all systems to account for when RU does not start the host. It is very frequent in my case, and it is not limited only to reboots after a windows update. Regular reboots where no updates take place [Such as on Server 2008 R2 machines] result in this behavior too.
We have a little shy of 500 hosts in our network, so it is common for us to not realise that a host has not started right after a reboot.
It seems that RU needs a watchdog service that can restart the host if it is not running. Although it is another moving part, maybe a simple service of this type would be able to keep the host online.
That is exactly what is happening us too.. you are 100% correct , it needs a watchdog to insure it is running...You said it perfect..Matthew Cooper wrote:
I too am interested in the outcome here.
We have been forced to run dual remote access applications on all systems to account for when RU does not start the host. It is very frequent in my case, and it is not limited only to reboots after a windows update. Regular reboots where no updates take place [Such as on Server 2008 R2 machines] result in this behavior too.
We have a little shy of 500 hosts in our network, so it is common for us to not realise that a host has not started right after a reboot.
It seems that RU needs a watchdog service that can restart the host if it is not running. Although it is another moving part, maybe a simple service of this type would be able to keep the host online.
1. Create a batch file called CreateTask.cmd and insert the below code:
[This code creates a folder C:\Program Files\RUMonitor to store the script, and creates 2 scheduled tasks, the first runs the script at startup, the second runs the script every hour on the hour. Feel free to modify the schedule to your needs]
2. Create a second batch script called RUMonitor.cmd and insert the below code:
md "C:\Program Files\RUMonitor"
Copy RUMonitor.cmd "c:\Program Files\RUMonitor"
SCHTASKS /CREATE /RU SYSTEM /SC ONSTART /TN "RUMonitor Startup" /TR "C:\Program Files\RUMonitor\RUMonitor.cmd"
SCHTASKS /CREATE /RU SYSTEM /SC HOURLY /TN "RUMonitor Hourly" /TR "C:\Program Files\RUMonitor\RUMonitor.cmd" /ST 00:00:00
[This code checks to see if the RU host is running, if it is, nothing is performed. If it is not, a start command is sent to the service]
3. Place both scripts in a folder together [it does not matter which folder], then run the CreateTask.cmd as administrator. That's all that is required. You will see the 2 tasks in Task Scheduler.
echo off
for /F "tokens=3 delims=: " %%H in ('sc query "RManService" ^| findstr " STATE"') do (
if /I "%%H" NEQ "RUNNING" (
REM Put the service to start here
net start "RManService"
I have created an executable of this for our own use here:
If you would like a copy of this script source, I cannot attach it to this post, but you can download it here:
I just added it in a folder and ran it as admin, testing it out right now will leave update after litttle while..thanks
Your way will still work fine, I needed a way to quickly deploy it to machines which is why I created the installer. Creating an exclusion in the antivirus will probably solve this for you if you wish to do that.
You should see no adverse affects in running this as the script executes no commands when the RU service is already started, it will only issue a start command if the status returns not equal to running.
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