dateno1's community posts
Server v3.5.5.0 not work on 7 x64@vmm
System Event Viewer Log was sent by mail (by, not
All logs from New VM (not old VM)
Server v3.5.5.0 not work on 7 x64@vmm
All work well with v3.3.2.0Pauline wrote:
Could you please clarify if RU Server worked on the same VM prior to updating it to version If yes, then could you please double-check that the system running on your VM is a 64-bit OS as it's mentioned in the System Requirements on this page?
Looking forward to your reply.
Upgrade -> = Crash
Remove -> install = Crash
Create new 7 x64 VM -> install = Crash
Create new 8.1 x64 VM -> install = Crash
(10 x64 not tested yet but maybe same result)
Remove -> install = All work well again
Server v3.5.5.0 not work on 7 x64@vmm
It crashed at runPauline wrote:
Thank you for your message.
In this case, could you please send us the latest RU Server log files for a review? You can send the files to .
Looking forward to your reply .
No log created (I can't run any entry (Include Configuration (It mean I can't change log setting) )
Server v3.5.5.0 not work on 7 x64@vmm
It hasn't any Antivirus or Windows Defender (Not included on Windows 7)Pauline wrote:
Thank you for your message.
Could you please clarify if you have any antivirus software installed on your machine where the issue occurs? If this is the case, please try adding the RU Server installation folder to the exception list as described in this guide and see if this helps to resolve the issue. Please note that you may also need to reinstall your RU Server - you can try backing up its data as described here and then preforming a complete uninstallation following this guide.
Hope that helps.
Even Reinstall Windows&RU Server same result
It seem New version RU Server not compatible with Synology VMM (or Old CPU)
All work well with VMWare but I want to use resource on my NAS
Server v3.5.5.0 not work on 7 x64@vmm
OS : Windows 7 Enterprise x64 ko-KR@Synology v7.2.1-69057
Test Method : Create VM -> Install Guest Tool&Reboot -> Install RU Server
Windows is completely Updated (~2020.01)
but v3.5.5.0 worked on Another VM for Test on VMWare Workstation 17
Viewer and Host are updated but still can not connect
but is OK
Lastest viewer Not work
I was update RU-Server to lastest but same result
Old viewer work with Windows 7/8.1/10/11 but Lastest is not work with 7/10
Lastest viewer Not work
All Setting is OK. (work well with old version viewer)
Server recognize Agent
Viewer 1.png
Even lastest viewer can detect Agent (Status Online)
Viewer 2.png
but Can't connect that (Changed status Offline)
MSI configurator - Online Configurator gray out
Lastest viewer Not work
Agent : Windows 10 x64 21TH2 + Lastest and (Same result)
Viewer : Windows 10 x64 21TH2 + Lastest and (Old version work) + Free License
Old version viewer work well but Lastest version is not work
when i input Internet ID on viewer it seem OK. (Display online)
but I can't connect to Agent. (Display online -> Try connect -> Display 'unable to connect Attemts Left 5~1 -> Display Offline -> Display online again -> endless loop)
I tried remove lastest and reinstall old version all work well