Justin Hendrickson's community posts

Warming 1909 Could not create shortcut "Stop Host.Ink"

Justin Hendrickson, User (Posts: 3)
Jun 10, 2021 11:00:02 am EDT
Support level: Starter
No, I do not. It is the 3 main files that are placed in the start menu that it cannot install.

Warming 1909 Could not create shortcut "Stop Host.Ink"

Justin Hendrickson, User (Posts: 3)
Jun 08, 2021 12:22:30 pm EDT
Support level: Starter

Conrad Sallian wrote:

Hi Justin,

Thank you for your report.

By client do you mean Viewer or Host?

I mean Host, sorry.

Warming 1909 Could not create shortcut "Stop Host.Ink"

Justin Hendrickson, User (Posts: 3)
Jun 08, 2021 10:16:32 am EDT
Support level: Starter
When installing client I get this error. (Warming 1909 Could not create shortcut "Stop Host.Ink" Verify that the destination folder exists and that you can access it.)
I have tried unistalling it with revo to ensure all registry entries were deleted, rebooting, and then re-try install.
I have tried installing under admin user acct to ensure it wasn't a corrupt profile or permissions thing.
No matter what I do I get the same error.