
Installed Viewer v7 by error - went back to v6..NO passwords work

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Frank Smith, User (Posts: 18)
Mar 19, 2021 12:14:11 am EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Original Config Viewer v6 with 4 Hosts on v6... all worked fine for years.
Made a mistake and installed Viewer v7 and quickly found out that license fees are needed.
Uninstalled Viewer v7 and Reinstalled Viewer v6, Rebooted
ran Viewer to a Host, asked for password, entered password on file.. Wrong Password msg.
Strange that password has been in use for years.. tried a couple of more time... no success.
Went to that Host, close by, changed password, Restarted Host
Back to Viewer .. Wrong Password with using new Password
tried the other Hosts with no luck.

Any ideas 'cuz I am lost on this one
Pauline, Support (Posts: 2848)
Mar 19, 2021 4:50:46 pm EDT
Hello Frank,

Thank you for your message.

This issue might be occurring if the Viewer's configuration file or address book file was somehow corrupted, perhaps, by some anti-virus software activity.
Please try the following and see if this helps to resolve the issue:
1. Obtain a backup copy of your address book by one of the methods described in this tutorial.
2. Fully exit the Viewer File -> Exit.
3. Locate the file config_4.xml in the C:\Users\[Your_username]\AppData\Roaming\Remote Utilities Files\ folder.
Please note that the AppData folder might be hidden by default in which case you need to enable "Hidden files and folders" in Windows Explorer settings.
4. Remove the config_4.xml file from that folder.
This will reset the Viewer settings. Your address books won't be affected by this action.
5. Run the Viewer and register it with your license key again.
6. Restore your address book from the backup file you have obtained on Step 1. You can follow this guide on restoring your address book from a backup.
7. After restoring your address book try connecting to a remote Host and the password works this time.

Hope that helps.
Frank Smith, User (Posts: 18)
Mar 20, 2021 12:21:07 am EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Time for a Daily Chuckle
Followed the procedure... end result no help
Uninstalled Viewer v6, Edited the Registry for anything about the Viewer. Rebooted
Loaded Viewer v6, complete new install
On first attempt to create a New Connection.... 'key has expired... etc"
Got new key.. on dropping key into Key Storage.... Drag & Drop would not work !!

about 2am got out the previous week disk image backup and recovered my whole system.
NOW all is fine

Years with RU, seems that they should have sent a warning about v7.
Many small users like me see a new update and apply it
Yes I am a free user with only 7 sites
Having been around computers since the days when our computer had 300 tons on A/C to
keep the vacuum tube cool.... I have a right to vent
Have a nice day and thanks for trying to help me.
Pauline, Support (Posts: 2848)
Mar 22, 2021 4:09:55 pm EDT
Hello Frank,

I'm glad to hear you've figured out the issue and it works for you now.

I've checked on the passwords issue with our developers - this occurs due to the fact that the saved passwords are stored differently. Therefore, if a user downgrades from version 7 back to version 6, then the address book and the Viewer's settings should be recovered from backups that are stored in the following backup folder: \%AppData%\Roaming\Remote Utilities Files\backups\.

Years with RU, seems that they should have sent a warning about v7.

Yes, unfortunately, we didn't update that mechanism in time to accommodate for a major upgrade. We are sorry for that. However, please note that upgrading the license to version 7 is optional - anyone can downgrade their Viewer if they are not eligible for a free upgrade. In addition, please note that users with the free license keys should simply generate a new free license key for version 7 using this form - please note that the generated key is only valid for version 7 of Remote Utilities, it won't work for version 6 as they're simply not compatible and we do not provide new license keys for older versions. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Please let us know if you have other questions.

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