3-03-2023__12:37:44__710 Connection #868776. Connection to "EL Zorro". Mode: <Authorization>. Connecting...
13-03-2023__12:37:44__710 InetConnection #868776. Internet connection to EL Zorro (id71.remoteutilities.com:5655).
13-03-2023__12:37:44__772 InetConnection #868776. Method "Connect" - OK. EL Zorro connected to ID server: id71.remoteutilities.com.
13-03-2023__12:37:44__882 InetConnection #868776. Socket error. Name: "EL Zorro", host: "id71.remoteutilities.com:5655". Exception class: "EIdConnClosedGracefully". Message: "Connection Closed Gracefully.".
13-03-2023__12:37:44__882 Connection #868776. Connection to "EL Zorro" failed. Mode: <Authorization>.
13-03-2023__12:37:44__882 Context #868776 removed. Mode: <Authorization>.
13-03-2023__12:37:50__599 Connection #131826. Connection to "am out". Mode: <Authorization>. Connecting...
13-03-2023__12:37:50__599 InetConnection #131826. Internet connection to am out (
13-03-2023__12:37:50__677 InetConnection #131826. Method "Connect" - OK. am out connected to ID server:
13-03-2023__12:37:51__786 InetConnection #131826 - am out need. Server version: 0
13-03-2023__12:38:06__798 InetConnection #131826. Socket error. Name: "am out", host: "". Exception class: "EIdReadTimeout". Message: "Read timed out.".
13-03-2023__12:38:06__798 Connection #131826. Connection to "am out" failed. Mode: <Authorization>.