Brad M's community posts

One-click exe package not generating remote id when loaded from config

Brad M, User (Posts: 29)
Jan 28, 2025 10:19:08 am EST
I;ve tried it twice on new computers,  it didn't generate the I.D., i had to do it manually, and it also didn't e-mail the id to me.  I can e-mail you a copy of the installer so you can test.

One-click exe package not generating remote id when loaded from config

Brad M, User (Posts: 29)
Jan 24, 2025 12:19:22 pm EST
I've noticed when I generate the HOse exe package, one click,  from a config, it  doesn't generate the new internet-id code, on a new install..  This only happens if I load the config, here is the screenshot of the config option that is loaded.

This is on version

Can't connect to Windows xp for full control

Brad M, User (Posts: 29)
Jan 13, 2025 10:01:40 am EST
Correct.  Even after I disconnect I'm unable to use full control and/ or view mode.

Can't connect to Windows xp for full control

Brad M, User (Posts: 29)
Jan 10, 2025 4:38:04 pm EST
Thanks for the replay, I'm running it on proxxmox, so none of those options exist, and hardware is set to standard vga.   The viewer will connect if I reboot the system, and works fine.  It stops working if I rdp into the computer.  Once i do that, I can't use the viewer anymore even if i disconnect from the rdp.  The only fix is to shutdown the computer and power back on the virtual machine.  It works again until i rdp into the system.

Can't connect to Windows xp for full control

Brad M, User (Posts: 29)
Jan 09, 2025 4:55:32 pm EST
I can connect for file transfer,terminal and rdp access with no problems.  
The host is windows xp, running  It's is a virtual machine.  
The viewer is on Windows 11, running
I have recreated the connection in the viewer, it did not help.    It stuck on Connecitng to xxxx Please wait.  I have tried from a different computer to connect to the host, same problem.  The host is set to legacy capture.  Any ideas?

Invite guest to work on 3rd party computer

Brad M, User (Posts: 29)
Oct 21, 2024 1:46:46 pm EDT

David Silvera wrote:

Hey Brad,

You could use the Remote Utilities Security authentication method and create a temporary username and pass for the guest tech. Can delete the account after.

Or you could use Single Password authentication method and just change the password after the guest tech has finished.

You could run the remote utilities agent on the PC, you would have to stop your RU Host to run it. Then both of you could connect using the agent id and pass. Close the agent after and turn the host back on.

Just a few ideas I would do.

- David

Thanks, I was hoping to make it easier for the oncoming tech(sometimes not tech savy), such as download the viewer, and type in this id, then I could just approve them on the computer side, for 1 time connections.

Invite guest to work on 3rd party computer

Brad M, User (Posts: 29)
Oct 21, 2024 1:17:26 pm EDT
I have remote utilities installed on a client computer.  I would like to invite a guest tech(another computer) to look at an issues, once I'm logged into the pc remotely.  What is the best way to handle that, without giving them username/passwords to remote utilities.

Please update the simple update to download from https and not http

Brad M, User (Posts: 29)
Sep 25, 2024 1:39:20 pm EDT
I had to add the url, into our whitelist antivirus and noticed it was http. Can you please update that https, and is your url from  Also the upgrade ini is downloading from http and not https.




New Pro Alert

Brad M, User (Posts: 29)
Nov 09, 2023 6:28:43 pm EST
I  have run into the same thing.  Is is possible to tie the license to an account that is established and we have verified our identity to hide that message.  You could charge a nominal fee to verify the account, and show the license wasn't charged to c/c fraud.

Bug with with Dual Screns and 1 screen is rorated 90 degree.

Brad M, User (Posts: 29)
Nov 02, 2023 12:24:35 pm EDT
That fixed it thanks.