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ipanic's community posts

bug, regression, or feature? :D

ipanic, User (Posts: 6)
Sep 22, 2022 9:40:53 am EDT
Hi there,

we have exactly the same problem.
Log-off multiple hosts (multiselect with shift key) in the connection list don't work.
Its weird, if I select 3 Hosts and click "Logoff" it disconnects 2 Hosts, 1 stay logged-in.
If i select 6 Hosts, 3 of it were logged-off the rest stay online.

Log-ON works as expected.


Problems with Viewer

ipanic, User (Posts: 6)
Mar 10, 2021 7:39:34 am EST
A switch to "System" Access has no effect.
The Edit (F4), Copy (F5), Move(F6) or Execute (F9) has still no funktion. Only Rename (F2), New folder (F7) and Delete (F8) works.

The Remote execute function from the right click Menu works also, but not from the File transfer window. You can click it, but noting happens.

Maybe its nothing, but in the viewer log i often read:
10-03-2021__12:34:04__740 InetConnection #805151 - CustomerHost need. Server version: 70000
The Server version is [3000]

Problems with Viewer

ipanic, User (Posts: 6)
Mar 09, 2021 11:25:36 am EST
Yes, the viewer and host are in the same version as I wrote earlier.

Problems with Viewer

ipanic, User (Posts: 6)
Mar 09, 2021 6:34:00 am EST
Hi there,

since update to Drag&Drop, Edit and Execute files from File transfer window dont work anymore.

Also if you install the Viewer on a new maschine and connect to a Custom Server, you are being asked if you like to download the Adressbooks thats stored on the Server AND also to download the new license dialog. But if you confirm that dialogs not quick enough, then you can't click anything anymore, only kill the Task for a new try.

And if you wakeup a suspended/sleep mode pc with a open/running Viewer (e.g. systemtray) you cant open a connection (e.g. full control) to any host, and you cant close the viewer (exit app), only Taskmanager and a app restart helps.

Host, server and viewer are on the newest version.

This is our first major update, we have ~370 hosts connectet to our Server and we need a full working remote access solution for our customers. All previous updates was fine, so we hope this bugy release was a one-time thing.

Thank you!

Generic tunnel capability?

ipanic, User (Posts: 6)
Jun 07, 2019 3:51:52 am EDT
Hi there,

sorry for resurrecting this old thread, but we need this very important feature also!

Multible port forwarding (TCP/UDP - Local and Remote like SSH/Putty) and a save / load profile function for a easy activation  would be also very nice!

Thank you!

Notiz after Session, that we can make a Bill for it

Christian POS Dynamics, User (Posts: 6)
Apr 30, 2019 3:56:29 pm EDT
Hi there,

Our company would also need this feature!

Thank you.