Allen O'Loughlin's community posts

mac viewer?

Allen O'Loughlin, User (Posts: 1)
Apr 22, 2017 5:26:12 am EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Thanks Marc for emphasizing the question and clarifying what's at stake. And thanks Conrad for answering more directly and giving us a better sense of development priorities. May I suggest that, for the sake of your bottom line, provision of a Mac viewer is a deal breaker for many organizations. You may be losing customers simply because a Mac viewer is not available.

I was pleasantly surprised when my colleague found your software, and how easy it is to configure and use. We use it at our small charity hospital to monitor our user base. However, I work from home on a Mac, so am unable (at present) to monitor usage on my off days (which may be good for my well-being, but not good for my peace-of-mind!). Would appreciate getting news of the Mac viewer asap.

Thanks for your great work!