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Michael Lewis's community posts

Idea: Add name to status bar

Michael Lewis, User (Posts: 32)
May 07, 2015 4:32:14 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
When using full screen on multiple workstation, you can't tell immediately which one your in. It would be nice if when I hoovered over the menu bar, it would tell me the name of the workstation I'm using.

Also, it would neat if I could somehow move/tab/select another workstation without having to pull up the main console... short-cut keys to advance to the next workstation on the list, if I hit the bottom of the list, it just round-robins.

Windows not showing

Michael Lewis, User (Posts: 32)
Mar 27, 2015 10:13:50 am EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Thanks Conrad, that worked perfectly.

Windows not showing

Michael Lewis, User (Posts: 32)
Mar 26, 2015 9:39:48 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
When you connect to a machine and run a program, it can sometimes pop a windows asking for Y/N or some user input, but I can't see that windows when viewing remote. It appears the program is locked-up but really it's just waiting for input. Have you seen this before and if so, how do you work around it?


Michael Lewis, User (Posts: 32)
Jan 30, 2015 12:00:33 pm EST
Support level: Free or trial

That works perfectly for our needs. Thanks for point it out.


Michael Lewis, User (Posts: 32)
Jan 30, 2015 12:19:53 am EST
Support level: Free or trial
I would like to see a "NOTES" (free form text box) section for each device so you can keep information relevant to just that workstation/server. This information should be exportable.

Remote Utilities slowing down the host machine

Michael Lewis, User (Posts: 32)
Sep 22, 2014 9:25:40 am EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Hi Anton,

My normal use is starting up four sessions. I may be working in one for a while and then switch to the other. If I move the focus away from the screen and read my e-mail, browse the net, etc. and return back 10-20 minutes later, the session moves very slow or they sometimes just disconnect.

The Windows firewall is deactivated on all servers at the remote site, however, there is the normal corporate firewall. None of the servers have anti-virus software.

So, I'm note sure what function is causing the slowness as I'm only using the remote function and occasionally the transfer functions.


Remote Utilities slowing down the host machine

Michael Lewis, User (Posts: 32)
Sep 21, 2014 1:22:12 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
I'm facing the same slow-down, however, it's on servers (1-host & 3 guest VMs). It appears to happen when you start a session, or multi-session, and let it sit for a while with no activity. Once you return, it's very sluggish and a lot of the time it will appear to be frozen. If you want for 1-3 minutes you can watch it paint the screen, trying to "catch-up" with the user.

It appear as-if the link between the session times-out .vs. keeping it alive with a "ping" to each other. So when the user returns to the session, it try's to re-initiate the connection - creating the lag. Problem is, the sessions returns, but it's noticeably slower than the initial session.


Auto-Register name

Michael Lewis, User (Posts: 32)
Jul 05, 2013 7:00:08 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
In the MSI configuration --> Advanced tab. There is the option to "Ask the user to ID himself". There should be an option to AUTO-ID and the software should pickup the user OR machine name OR both and tie them together by using the %username% or  %userdomain% variables. however, if connected to a domain, the %userdomain% variable will probably change.

Auto-Host registration

Michael Lewis, User (Posts: 32)
Nov 12, 2012 2:19:50 pm EST
Support level: Free or trial

Thanks for the tip. It worked perfectly during our testing. This request can be marked as completed.  :D


Viewer auto-updates connected viewers

Michael Lewis, User (Posts: 32)
Nov 02, 2012 1:00:43 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
When using the viewer as a CENTRAL console, multiple operators connect to this viewer with their own logins:

1. The users host list is auto-updated at login. When a new host is added to central console, the viewers are auto-refreshed.
2. User login only allows the user to modify host they are assigned to by site, group, or single host.