
All connection disappeared

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Leo Edwards, User (Posts: 3)
Jul 30, 2021 2:32:39 pm EDT
Suddenly my all connection disappeared i bought pro liecence key but when i sent to support it says basic. i have more than 100 plus connection which disppeared without any reason.
Pauline, Support (Posts: 2848)
Jul 30, 2021 2:56:54 pm EDT
Hello Leo,

Thank you for your message.

This issue might have occurred if the address book file was somehow damaged/corrupted, for example by some antivirus/firewall software activity.
In order to restore your existing connections, please try restoring your general address book fr om an automatically created backup file by following these steps:
1. Navigate to the backups folder \%AppData%\Roaming\Remote Utilities Files\backups\ and sel ect the backup copy that you want to restore. We recommend that you select a backup file created a few hours before your connections disappeared or even a backup file fr om a day before. Backup files are stored in the ZIP format and use the mask, e.g. in this case you can sel ect the file named
2. Unzip the file to a location on your computer wh ere it will be safe fr om accidental deletion (for example, you can create a dedicated folder in a safe directory).
3. Open Viewer, navigate to the Tools tab and click on the Manual import button:
All connection disappeared - 30 Jul 2021 02:57:11

4. Sel ect General address book in the dropdown list and click OK. You can leave the Replace existing checkbox clear, so any new connections that you currently have in your address book will stay intact and the import will simply add older connections to the address book.
All connection disappeared - 30 Jul 2021 02:58:17

5. In the Windows file selection dialog locate the backup XML file (the one named that you unzipped on Step 2 and click Open. Your General address book will be populated with records fr om your backup file.

In case if the address book that you want to restore is encrypted (with the .encrypted extension) , the process stays the same - the only difference is that the program will ask you to enter your encryption password before it can import the contents of the source address book into the target address book. Please note that if you want to encrypt your new address book then you need to enable encryption feature once again if you haven't done so yet.

i bought pro liecence key but when i sent to support it says basic.

Could you please clarify if you mean that your license level says "basic" on your profile on our website? If this is the case, then please try logging out and then back in to your account as it displays the Support level for your account correctly as PRO (and you're able to submit tickets as well which is not available for the Basic support level):
All connection disappeared - 30 Jul 2021 02:58:47

In case if you mean something else, please let us know.

Hope that helps.

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