Yes in the exact same condition. Drag and drop the same file from local user desktop to remote user desktop. It worked only after 5 tries. I also tried with another file that I never manager to drag and drop successfully because I gave up after 10 retries.
I don't mind waiting a few seconds but it only works like 1 in 5 times. So drag and drop a 10 KB file this way takes 1 minute because you have to retry 5 times.
It's not an urgent issue for us but it would be nice in the future if it worked 100%.
I have installed the viewer on windows 10 and when I try and drag and drop to a windows server 2016 host the drag and drop sometimes work and sometimes not.
Even when it works I have to wait a few seconds for the mouse cursor to change.
It's not really important because there is a file transfer mode or we can use RDP but it would save us some time if we could copy and paste or drag and drop.
I would love this feature too. But since 2-4 weeks is passed, I hope this feature is still worked on. Any approximative date when the feature will be released ? Thanks.