
Linux Viewer 1.0.8.q Beta 8 Address book glitch

Nijel Terry, User (Posts: 55)
Apr 01, 2021 3:19:51 pm EDT
I just loaded the new Linux Viewer and I noticed one of my clients had an entry duplicated in all of my address folders.  This is not something I did. When I tried to delete the duplicate entry out of one of the folders it was copied to RU Viewer crashed. Upon re-opening RU that client was deleted out of every folder, including the folder it belonged in.  I restored the client from a backup I made and it hasn't glitched again so far.  I created a Test Folder and a Test Client and that didn't create any crash or glitch that I can see.
It is a good idea to create a backup of your address book before launching the new viewer just in case there is a glitch.  I don't think the Linux Viewer has automatic backups like the Windows version does.

I am running Manjaro XFCE Kernel 5.9.16-1
Nijel Terry, User (Posts: 55)
Apr 01, 2021 3:29:20 pm EDT
Just wanted to clarify, I didn't restore/replace my address book XML file. I re-created the client that was deleted. Still using the original XML file.
Pauline, Support (Posts: 2908)
Apr 01, 2021 4:04:48 pm EDT
Hello Nijel,

Thank you for your message.

I will forward this information to our development department to see if we can reproduce it. I will additionally check with them regarding the address books automatic backup as well.

I'll keep you updated on this issue.
Nijel Terry, User (Posts: 55)
Apr 01, 2021 4:23:19 pm EDT
Thank you Polina! I appreciate your attention to the issue.  It didn't cause any harm to me but I imagine for someone without a backup it could be quite a mess rebuilding the lost data.
Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3099)
Apr 01, 2021 5:11:32 pm EDT
Hi Nijel,

One question - did you update your Viewer installation (i.e. you were running Viewer on that machine previously) or was it a new installation to which you imported/added your XML address book?
Nijel Terry, User (Posts: 55)
Apr 01, 2021 5:13:07 pm EDT
Hi Conrad,

This is my daily driver, I updated the Viewer today.
Conrad Sallian, Support (Posts: 3099)
Apr 02, 2021 3:05:35 am EDT
Hi Nijel ,

Unfortunately, couldn't reproduce it however I tried. Could be some glitch maybe. If this issue occurs in the future please let us know.
Nijel Terry, User (Posts: 55)
Apr 02, 2021 7:27:22 pm EDT
Hi Conrad,

Thanks for looking. I haven't had any more glitches like that one.

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