valkyriebiker's community posts

Agent ad hoc connection

valkyriebiker, User (Posts: 8)
Nov 04, 2022 1:06:17 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Nevermind. After much searching in this forum I found my answer.

There is no quick connection option????

Robert Ricketts, User (Posts: 8)
Nov 04, 2022 12:14:41 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Looks like I found my answer after much searching. The OP makes a valid request.

I, too, do a lot of remote support, much of it one-time, ad-hoc connections. It's rather ridiculous that I have to add the connection ID and remember to delete it after the session is over. Why, exactly, is RUT forcing me to do that? The agent is designed specifically for ad-hoc connections, yes? It should have a "don't automatically remember this connection id" as part of the custom agent build process. Or the host-end viewer should have a quick connection option that doesn't require adding/deleting a connection.

As for the forum rules about not mentioning a competitor even in the context of describing some functionality or feature? Really??? It RUT that insecure? Grow up.

I'm using TV right now (there I said it) and hold their premium license so I am obviously willing to pay. But I'm not happy with them for several reasons and so may consider replacing them with RUT.
Edited:valkyriebiker - Nov 04, 2022 1:08:22 pm EDT

Agent ad hoc connection

Robert Ricketts, User (Posts: 8)
Nov 04, 2022 12:04:17 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Seriously? The name of a competing product was replaced with "censored"?  sheesh 🙄

Agent ad hoc connection

Robert Ricketts, User (Posts: 8)
Nov 04, 2022 11:47:59 am EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Hi all....

Is there an ad-hoc "quick connect" method that allows me to connect to an endpoint (running the agent) without having to first add the endpoint as a connection? I do I.T. support and so I receive a lot of random support requests. When a client calls me, I have them run the agent then read me the connection id. I might only help them a single time. Presently, I have to "add a connection" then when I'm done, I have to remember to delete it.

Is there a functionality like  [censored] where I can just enter the connection id, assist my client, then disconnect, without having to add them to my contacts/address book?

Laggy due to increase in work-at-home -- coronavirus

Robert Ricketts, User (Posts: 8)
Mar 29, 2020 12:07:34 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Thanks Max, that's a good tip!

Conrad, does RUT use hole punching to facilitate a P2P connection after the RUT relay server has established a "trust" between the remote and host?

Laggy due to increase in work-at-home -- coronavirus

Robert Ricketts, User (Posts: 8)
Mar 20, 2020 10:06:29 am EDT
Support level: Free or trial

Conrad Sallian wrote:

Hi Robert,

The infrastructure was expanded just recently. It may take some time for the load to spread evenly across the servers. I recommend that you try in a few hours to see if there are still any issues and let us know.

Will do. Thanks again.

Laggy due to increase in work-at-home -- coronavirus

Robert Ricketts, User (Posts: 8)
Mar 20, 2020 9:49:15 am EDT
Support level: Free or trial

Conrad Sallian wrote:

Hello Robert,

Thank you for your message.

The number of users has indeed increased but I can assure you that our servers are still not at their full load. Besides, we expanded our infrastructure in North America and Europe these days just in case anyway. Our servers are capable to withstand a far greater load so I'm inclined to this that this has something  to do with local "bottlenecks" since the overall Internet traffic in the world now has increased greatly.

Direct comparisons with competitors are not allowed on this forum. I am sorry for that.

First of all, hey, I love recommending RU to my clients. Works well, decent pricing, and the autopan? feature (moving the viewport as the mouse nears an edge) is great. I first found RU about three years ago and was excited to recommend as an affordable solution to my clients.

When you say "local bottlenecks" -- In RU's local infrastructure (CDN?) or the ISPs in general? As I indicated, I performed several tests to ensure a reliable circuit. And additionally, as I mentioned above, the competitors are working fine (no lag whatsoever) even as I compare RU's performance side-by-side. So it can't be (only) local ISP congestion.

As recently as yesterday, RU is suffering severe lag and connection issues among multiple clients on various ISPs where RUs competitors (at least the two I tried) are not. That's what brought me here. Had I observed these symptoms outside RU then I would not have posted.

Thanks for the rapid reply, I do appreciate that. I'll see how the next few days go.

(And, sorry, but redacting competitor names is silly and petty. We're all adults here and are probably mostly professionals.)


Laggy due to increase in work-at-home -- coronavirus

Robert Ricketts, User (Posts: 8)
Mar 20, 2020 8:46:16 am EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Hi all,

Using v6.10.10.0 on Host and Remote,

As of late, the last few days, I've had multiple clients calling me to say that RU is extremely laggy, fails to connect, and drops connections. I can confirm RU's failing because both  [censored] and RDP are as quick as ever, suffering no lag and I've tested the circuit and find no issues. I surmise RU is lagging due to routing server overload due to the explosive increase in remote working due to coronavirus. All endpoints are in the US.

So, curious... Does RU route traffic through their infrastructure only for establishing the initial connection and then convert to a true peer-to-peer connection utilizing dynamic firewall pinhole? OR, does RU route all traffic through their infrastructure for the duration of the connection?

Regardless, any insight if my suspicions are correct? Anyone else seeing this?
