Sven Malchus's community posts

Control 'dxDockPanelGroups' has no parent window. Path: fmMain .dxDock

Sven Malchus, User (Posts: 2)
Apr 19, 2019 5:21:12 am EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Thx Polina!

i was able to uninstall the Viewer and re-install from scratch. It works now.

Strange , all this happened during a normal upgrade of the Viewer....

Anyway. Happy Easter. BR Sven

Control 'dxDockPanelGroups' has no parent window. Path: fmMain .dxDock

Sven Malchus, User (Posts: 2)
Apr 18, 2019 5:12:09 am EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Viewer is not working anymore after upgrade to latest version.
Uninstalled the viewer
Reinstalled the viewer
same situation
Portable version still works

the report details:

Error report - Remote Utilities Viewer
Class: EInvalidOperation
Text: Control 'dxDockPanelGroups' has no parent window. Path:
Version: 69108 (0)
Id: {F7784150-DAF1-476B-95EC-57AD3F3125B8}
Date: 18-04-2019 09-10-11
date/time          : 2019-04-18, 09:10:11, 623ms
computer name      : xxxxxxx
user name          : xxxxxx <admin>
registered owner   : xxxxxxxx
operating system   : Windows 10 x64 build 17763
system language    : English
system up time     : 2 minutes 54 seconds
program up time    : 8 seconds
processors         : 8x Intel® Xeon® CPU E3-1505M v6 @ 3.00GHz
physical memory    : 29353/32687 MB (free/total)
free disk space    : (C:) 131,15 GB
display mode       : 3440x1440, 32 bit
process id         : $1d30
allocated memory   : 83,90 MB
largest free block : 836,15 MB
executable         : rutview.exe
exec. date/time    : 2019-04-15 14:03
version            :
callstack crc      : $b2f2281c, $e0699f5c, $e0699f5c
exception number   : 4
exception class    : EInvalidOperation
exception message  : Control 'dxDockPanelGroups' has no parent window. Path: fmMain .dxDockPanelGroups.

main thread ($1db0):
005deb93 +8b rutview.exe  Vcl.Controls    3318  +1 InvalidControlOperation
005e7595 +79 rutview.exe  Vcl.Controls    9584 +13 TWinControl.CreateWnd
005e7b12 +16 rutview.exe  Vcl.Controls    9765  +3 TWinControl.CreateHandle
01150d3d +05 rutview.exe  dxDockControl   9668  +1 TdxCustomDockControl.CreateHandle
005ebb6c +1c rutview.exe  Vcl.Controls   12393  +4 TWinControl.HandleNeeded
005ebb63 +13 rutview.exe  Vcl.Controls   12392  +3 TWinControl.HandleNeeded
005ebb79 +05 rutview.exe  Vcl.Controls   12399  +1 TWinControl.GetHandle
0063d007 +03 rutview.exe  Vcl.ComCtrls    9924  +0 TTreeNodes.GetHandle
0063d459 +05 rutview.exe  Vcl.ComCtrls   10160  +1 TTreeNodes.GetFirstNode
0126213a +12 rutview.exe  MainForm        3143  +3 TfmMain.TimerUpdateTreeIconsTimer
006844fb +0f rutview.exe  Vcl.ExtCtrls    3124  +1 TTimer.Timer
006843df +2b rutview.exe  Vcl.ExtCtrls    3082  +4 TTimer.WndProc
004fb0ec +14 rutview.exe  System.Classes 17536  +8 StdWndProc
76a161ab +0b user32.dll                            DispatchMessageW
007131cb +f3 rutview.exe  Vcl.Forms      10724 +23 TApplication.ProcessMessage
0071320e +0a rutview.exe  Vcl.Forms      10754  +1 TApplication.HandleMessage
00713541 +c9 rutview.exe  Vcl.Forms      10892 +26 TApplication.Run
01299b88 +78 rutview.exe  rutview          218 +16 initialization
77b40417 +17 KERNEL32.DLL                          BaseThreadInitThunk