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Khasia Vidra Pratama's community posts

Can sign in to server in viewer, but the host keep offline

Khasia Vidra Pratama, User (Posts: 2)
Jan 23, 2019 9:21:33 pm EST
Support level: Free or trial
I forget to tell you, that my host is don't have  access to internet, it's mean i can using option 1 for that, because it's have to get the external IP and it's will be unable too for using Internet-ID right ?

and i already read and follow the instruction that you give before. and i attach the picture for what the issue that i get

Can sign in to server in viewer, but the host keep offline

Khasia Vidra Pratama, User (Posts: 2)
Jan 22, 2019 6:35:23 am EST
Support level: Free or trial
Hi, I'm Khasia

I want to access my pc (as host) thru the Internet using IP address, where the host and server is connected to local network, then the viewer connected to my phone connection, i already set the configuration for host, server, and viewer like the instruction you give. and i already setup the port forwarding for the server IP address.

the issue is, for now i already able to sign in, in the viewer. and i already able to open the address book, but the host is still offline.

in fact, before it, i already try to make the connection between host, server, and viewer using the local connection for make sure that my server is work. and the result is i can access the host thru the server.

i using host 6.9 , server 2.7, and viewer 6.9 version

Please help me about this issue, thanks