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Peter Gray's community posts

Beta testing: Remote Utilities for Windows

Peter Gray, User (Posts: 48)
Aug 19, 2024 11:53:25 am EDT
Support level: Starter
I must have been tired when I wrote that post!  All machines were originally at v  Test viewer and test host now at v (beta 1)

Beta testing: Remote Utilities for Windows

Peter Gray, User (Posts: 48)
Aug 18, 2024 5:23:13 pm EDT
Support level: Starter
I've installed the beta on what amount to a pair of test machines.  Both already had both viewer and host installed at version
Beta viewer installed without any problems on a Windows 11 laptop.  All previously set up connectios were retained, and the beta viewer could see all the (still at v machines I tried.
I wanted to put the beta host on a Windows 7 machine.  The beta viewer logged onto it OK, and full control worked while it was still at v  I disconnected full control and tried to use remote install to install the beta host, using Remote Utilities security.  It went through the motions and reported a successful install, but on checking, the host was still at v  This happened twice.
I then logged onto the host machine using RDP (not within Remote Utilities), and manually installed the beta host.  This *was* successful, and the beta viewer now shows the test host at v
Full control seems to work OK, but I've not had a chance to do any extensive testing.

Endless opening of the desktop on a remote machine

Peter Gray, User (Posts: 48)
Dec 12, 2023 12:06:13 pm EST
Support level: Starter
Ho Sergey.  That looke exactly like what happens when the host computer you are connecting to is also the viewer computer you are connecting from.  I've done that accidentally a number of times.  Only one connection is actually opened, but the host screen displayed is that of the viewer, which changes as a result, and that change propagates down the screen.

Just an Update Info

Peter Gray, User (Posts: 48)
Oct 14, 2023 12:56:59 pm EDT
Support level: Starter
Hello Conrad

I have just run the script on one of these machines (while logged on remotely) and rebooted it after doing windows updates. The machine has rebooted (I can ping it) but the host has not restarted. I shall be there on site tomorrow, so can check if the service properties are still changed according to the script. It may be that the script should have been run while the host service was not running.

Hello Peter,

What is the operating system on those machines?

All my older machines are Windows 7, except one remaining working XP.  Not all of them have the startup issue.  The one I tested yesterday is W7

When I checked it this morning, the host service properties were still as modified bythe script, so running the script while the service was running was OK.

While looking at the host servicce properties I changes the Startup Type from Automatic to Automatic (Delayed Start), and then rebooted the machine.  This time the host service *did* start on re-boot.  So far I have only tried this once, on the one machine.  I plan to do the same change on the other slow machines.

Just an Update Info

Peter Gray, User (Posts: 48)
Oct 13, 2023 6:26:02 pm EDT
Support level: Starter
I have not noticed the problem with host service stopping, but I have several old slow machines where the host service does not reliably start on switch on or on reboot.  With some of these, I dare not do a reboot unless I am on site, so able to restart the host manually.
I have just run the script on one of these machines (while logged on remotely) and rebooted it after doing windows updates.  The machine has rebooted (I can ping it) but the host has not restarted.  I shall be there on site tomorrow, so can check  if the service properties are still changed according to the script.  It may be that the script should have been run while the host service was not running.

Fatal Error rfusclient.exe not found

Peter Gray, User (Posts: 48)
Sep 04, 2022 6:26:23 pm EDT
Support level: Starter
Hello Pam and Pauline.
I have had this behaviour on at least two of my Windows7 machines since upgrading the host to  Having had a similar problem with an earlier version (can't remember which) and found it was an anti-virus issue, I checked the quarantine, and found rfusclient.exe there.  AV is Avast.  I submitted false positives, then restored the file and set an exception.  After that I could start the host, and then the viewer could connect to it.
One of the hosts I shut down each day; on startup next day the same problem again, but reporting as a different virus.  I don't have physical access to that machine right now, so I can't check to see if it happens again until Friday.  The other hosts have not been shut down and I can still connect to them, but I dare not upgrade to until I get back and have physical access.
Bottom line, look to see if your AV has quarantined the file.
Hope that helps.

v7.1.4.0 problems on Windows 7

Peter Gray, User (Posts: 48)
Jul 16, 2022 5:03:30 pm EDT
Support level: Starter
Hi Conrad.

v7.1.5.0 fixed the "Host files not found!" problem above, but I found that Avast had quarnteened parts of the viewer.  That was easy to fix.

Trying to update the host on my test machine consistently failed due to Avast false positives (which I have not yet worked out how to get around).  Fortunately that machine is in the same room with me, so I can see what's happening.  Trying remote install failed to update, but left host v7.1.2.0 running.  Trying simple update appears to have stopped the host, or maybe uninstalled it; I have not yet checked on that.

I'll maybe wait a few days before trying further host updates, in the hope that false positives will have stopped.

v7.1.4.0 problems on Windows 7

Peter Gray, User (Posts: 48)
Jul 16, 2022 3:34:33 pm EDT
Support level: Starter
v7.1.4.0 Viewer seemed to install OK on one W7 machine: It can see hosts (all still at v7.1.2.0), and can control at least one of them.

However, on trying to do a remote install of the host to a test machine, with Remote Utilities security, I got a fail message:-
***** Start of log *****
Date: 16/07/2022 19:51:44
Action: install/upgrade.
Checking files of the Host.
Host files not found!
This happened both when trying to install v7.1.4.8 host, and also later when trying to install v7.1.2.0 host.

I also tried remote installs from a different viewr which is still at v7.1.2.0..
Remote install of host v7.1.2.0 succeeded as usual.
Remote install of host v7.1.4.0 reported success, but I wa sthen unable to connect to that host.  Further inspection showd that the host v7.1.2.0 had been uninstalled, bit v7.1.4.0 has NOT been installed in its place

Manual re-install of v7.1.2.0 using the .exe installer on that machine fortunately worked

I now see that v7.1.5.0 has just been released.  I'll download that and see if these problems are also fixed and report back

Just an Update Info

Peter Gray, User (Posts: 48)
Mar 14, 2022 2:53:23 pm EDT
Support level: Starter
Hi Pauline

Could you please clarify if you've sent the files to

Hah, no, typo in address. Spelled support with only one p.
will resend at least some later this evening.

Just an Update Info

Peter Gray, User (Posts: 48)
Mar 13, 2022 7:15:06 pm EDT
Support level: Starter
Hi Pauline.

In this case, could you please send us the contents of these events, so that I could forward it to our developers and ask for their input on the issue?

I have jussent you event logs from a total of seven different machines, all having at leas one of these events.