Brant's community posts

Saving Tweaked RDP Configuration

Brant, User (Posts: 7)
Mar 02, 2021 6:12:28 pm EST
Support level: Free or trial
Hi Polina,

Thank you so much.  You hit on the critical item.  Yes, I always assumed that after the Save, the settings were ... well, um ... saved [smile]. So, I always went directly from the Save, to Connect.

It never occurred to me that I had to close the Configuration window after doing the Save, and then click on OK on RU's own window.  (After the fact, I can understand that logic - but it was not intuitive without your help.)

So, now I have success - it remembers the settings.  Not only that, but now the shortcut that I saved to the desktop allows me to connect - with all of my desired preferences - with a single action.  This is exactly what I was looking for.

Thank you again for all your help, and for sticking with this.


Saving Tweaked RDP Configuration

Brant, User (Posts: 7)
Feb 27, 2021 5:29:03 pm EST
Support level: Free or trial
Hi Polina,

Thanks for your help.  Yes, it was the Save (not Save As) button that I was using in the first place.  I only started to dig deeper, and modify the ".rdp" file directly in the Roaming area, when things were not working as I expected.

I have followed your instructions carefully, and I still get the same results - my settings are only remembered for the one session.  If I close down RU, and try to connect again (using RDP), I am back to 1024x768 (not Full Screen), etc.

Here is what I do ...

In the RU Viewer, I right-click on the desired Host which I see is online.  I select Properties

 - 27 Feb 2021 05:20:20

Then I click on RDP, and click on Configure

 - 27 Feb 2021 05:22:26

I configure the desired screen settings (Full Screen, 24bit)

 - 27 Feb 2021 05:23:38

I go back to the General tab, and Save

 - 27 Feb 2021 05:25:07

When I first Connect, everything is fine. Then I finish my session, and I close down the RU Viewer.  Later, I start up the RU Viewer.  I go to Properties, RDP ... and I can already see that the settings have not "stuck" - they have reverted back to 1024x768, 32bit.

This happens even without the desktop icon.  I suspect that if we can get the Configuration issue resolved, the desktop icon will automatically work just fine.  It is the saving of the RDP Configuration parameters which is not working.

I look forward to your feedback / suggestions.


Saving Tweaked RDP Configuration

Brant, User (Posts: 7)
Feb 22, 2021 3:35:36 pm EST
Support level: Free or trial
Hi there,

I am running version 6.10.10 of the Viewer and the Host (in this case, the host is on a Windows 7 system, required for support of a legacy program for a piece of specialty equipment).

I am connecting successfully using RDP-over-ID (which is the desired method in this case), and I have created a shortcut for this connection on the Viewer desktop.  All good so far.

What I would like to do is pre-configure the RDP connection parameters (eg., use Full Screen instead of 1024x768, use 24bit colour depth instead of 32bit, etc.).  If I go into the Viewer, right-click on the Host, and go to Properties, I can tweak the RDP settings to my like there and they do work - for that particular session.  But they seem to be lost when the session ends.

I have tried doing a Save of the RDP configuration, and I do see a corresponding ".rdp" file created in the "C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Remote Utilities Files\rdp_connections" folder.  But when I open (edit) that file directly, in Windows, it does not have the same settings that I configured.  It seems to contain the defaults (1024x768, etc.).  Even if I change the settings and save it out again, they don't seem to stick.

Is there a way that I can permanently configure the desired RDP settings and have them remembered so that when I double-click on the desktop short cut, the remote connection will be established as I expect?

Many thanks,

Change of email address

Brant, User (Posts: 7)
Jan 19, 2021 10:12:59 pm EST
Support level: Free or trial
Hi Polina,

That's great - thanks for the insight.

I have generated a new key, removed the old key from the viewer's storage, and added the new one.

Now ... how will you know know which key to block?  I would rather not disclose all of my details in an open forum.  Is there a support email address I should use, to tell you which email address is the old one?

Edited:Brant - Jan 19, 2021 10:13:41 pm EST

Change of email address

Brant, User (Posts: 7)
Jan 19, 2021 3:34:49 pm EST
Support level: Free or trial

I have changed the email address in my account to reflect my new email address (a change of domain name), and all seems well in that regard.  However, when I try to use the Recover Lost Key feature, it does not recognize the new address as being valid.  It tells me I must use the same email address as when I purchased the license.  (This is a free license, to "purchase" is not really applicable - but I got the idea [smile].)

Indeed, when I supplied my old email address to the Recover Lost Key function, it dutifully sent me my license.  That is okay for now, as I still have access to my old address by way of email forwarding.  But that is a limited time arrangement - after which I will not have access to the old address.

Is there a way to adjust the email address associated with a license? I don't really think it would be proper to simply generate a new license, as I am still the same individual I always was, and doing so would violate the agreement.

I look forward to any insight you can provide.


PS - Keep up the great work on RU!

Can't see some cursor changes

Brant, User (Posts: 7)
Feb 12, 2014 11:36:29 am EST
Support level: Free or trial
Hi Conrad,

Thanks for the quick reply, and thanks for your suggestion - that did the trick.  I have since experimented with various settings of these parameters, and I now understand (much better) what they mean and do.

To be brutally honest, none of the combinations give me "exactly" what I was looking for.  Don't get me wrong - it is not a deal-breaker [grin], but I do have a suggestion for a product improvement ...

Would you guys consider adding another option to the Local Mouse Pointer behaviour?  One along the lines of "Hide in viewer window", (or whatever you want to call it).

It is not that the "point" option is super-bad, or anything like that ... but, it certainly is a bit distracting for some (many?) situation(s).  I know there might be some cases where it would be important to know where both the host and viewer cursors are at all times, so I "get that".  But, that "point" option does obliterate a good portion of the remote cursor sometimes - especially in cases involving a quick-n-dirty connection fr om a relatively low-res screen (on say, a laptop or netbook) to a relatively high-res device (eg. a 1920x1080 screen) ... wh ere panning would be inconvenient, so stretch/scaling mode is used instead.

Like I said, not a deal-breaker by any means - but it sure would be nice to not have a double cursor.


Can't see some cursor changes

Brant, User (Posts: 7)
Feb 11, 2014 12:57:16 pm EST
Support level: Free or trial

Like many here (I assume), I am an LMI refugee :-).  I am just starting to evaluate the RUT offerings, and so far, I like what I see.  I have worked my way through a few initial little bumps, but that's okay - I expected there might be a bit of a learning curve, since the paradigm is slightly different to LMI.

One thing I have not been able to resolve, is getting the cursor appearance on the viewer to (always) reflect what the remote is doing.  Here is a specific example ...

1) I log onto a remote system as an administrator.

2) I go to Services (ie. either by running "services.mmc", or going to  Start -> Programs -> Administrator -> Services).

3) I maximize the window.

4) Up were the column headings are, I place (hover) my cursor at the dividing line between two adjacent columns (eg. the Name column and the Description column.)

What I expect to see, is the cursor change from its normal pointer, to the bold plus sign (of sorts) with the left/right arrow heads.  But, that's not what happens.  The viewer cursor stays normal/unchanged (ie. is remain as a typical pointer).  I can see that the cursor does indeed change on the remote, but that is not reflected in the viewer. (Note that I have the host and remote systems side-by-side in the lab, so that I can observe the complete environment, end-to-end, simultaneously).

Oh - perhaps I should mention that involves XP SP3 at both ends.

In the remote connection properties (ie. through the Connection Properties button, on the window shade toolbar at the top of the viewer windows), the following potentially-pertinent settings are configured as indicated:

* 'Cursor' tab - 'Local mouse pointer' is set to "Set remote cursor shape to local cursor".
* 'Cursor' tab - 'Rendering of host's cursor' is set to "View only mode active".
* 'Advanced' tab - 'Capture alpha-blending windows' is ticked (which, incidentally, solved an issue I had been having with balloon-help/tool-tips not rendering in the viewer)

Do you have any ideas for how I can get the viewer to properly reflect what the remote cursor is doing?

