Alain Paradis's community posts
GPS Coordinates
Alain Paradis,
User (Posts: 10)
Oct 02, 2024 8:07:52 am EDT
Support level: Pro
Hi, I'm managing a lot of remote computers for different companies, and sometimes laptop are being stolen. Would it be possible for the host client to send GPS location coordinates, or maybe the WAN IP address, to the RemoteUtilities Server so we can see that info in the Viewer?
Something like this PowerShell Script :
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Device #Required to access System.Device.Location namespace
$GeoWatcher = New-Object System.Device.Location.GeoCoordinateWatcher #Create the required object
$GeoWatcher.Start() #Begin resolving current locaton
while (($GeoWatcher.Status -ne 'Ready') -and ($GeoWatcher.Permission -ne 'Denied')) {
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 #Wait for discovery.
if ($GeoWatcher.Permission -eq 'Denied'){
Write-Error 'Access Denied for Location Information'
} else {
$position = ($GeoWatcher.Position.Location | Select-Object Latitude,Longitude) #Select the relevant results.
write-output "$($position.Latitude), $($position.Longitude)"
Something like this PowerShell Script :
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Device #Required to access System.Device.Location namespace
$GeoWatcher = New-Object System.Device.Location.GeoCoordinateWatcher #Create the required object
$GeoWatcher.Start() #Begin resolving current locaton
while (($GeoWatcher.Status -ne 'Ready') -and ($GeoWatcher.Permission -ne 'Denied')) {
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 #Wait for discovery.
if ($GeoWatcher.Permission -eq 'Denied'){
Write-Error 'Access Denied for Location Information'
} else {
$position = ($GeoWatcher.Position.Location | Select-Object Latitude,Longitude) #Select the relevant results.
write-output "$($position.Latitude), $($position.Longitude)"
Remote Server access gone
Alain Paradis,
User (Posts: 10)
Dec 22, 2021 11:19:47 am EST
Support level: Pro
Yes, everything is updated to the latest version, license is installed on the RU server and in my viewer...
Remote Server access gone
Alain Paradis,
User (Posts: 10)
Dec 22, 2021 10:08:45 am EST
Support level: Pro
Still no go for me... weird thing is that on all of my connection on my RU server (local) 2 are working, all others RU Hosts are not working, with the message window Unable to connect, retrying in x seconds
Tried restarting the server that hosts the RU Server, restarted the computer which has the RU Viewer (my laptop), no luck.
Updated one of the host manually to 7.1, can't connect... tried Simple Update on some hosts, can't connect.
Tried restarting the server that hosts the RU Server, restarted the computer which has the RU Viewer (my laptop), no luck.
Updated one of the host manually to 7.1, can't connect... tried Simple Update on some hosts, can't connect.
Remote Server access gone
Alain Paradis,
User (Posts: 10)
Dec 22, 2021 9:25:27 am EST
Support level: Pro
Just tried it again and it started working...
Remote Server access gone
Alain Paradis,
User (Posts: 10)
Dec 22, 2021 9:09:39 am EST
Support level: Pro
Same problem here, and it's not MalwareScrap since I'm not using it on my computers... and my RU server is locally on the same network where my laptop is, and can't aaccess any RU connection using Internet-IDJim wrote:
tions are functi
Edited:Alain Paradis - Dec 22, 2021 9:12:07 am EST
Host showing as offline even though the host computer is running
Alain Paradis,
User (Posts: 10)
Dec 22, 2021 8:58:37 am EST
Support level: Pro
Have the same problem with all Internet-ID connection, even if my RU server is local on my network. If I change the properties of the computer in the address book and use Direct Connection instead of Internet-ID it works. Good if computer are locally on the same network, but for my off-site clients I can't log in their computer. I've checked and our IP address is not blocked anywhere. Rolled back to 7.0.2 and same problem now. Everything was working fine yesterday, problem appeared when installing