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v7 can't connect first time after boot

pecharron, User (Posts: 3)
Jun 18, 2021 12:46:00 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Hello Boris and Polina,
I upgraded my test system to Windows 10 21H1 and have been testing with version I still have the same issue where I just sit at the map screen for full control. One difference is that if I send a command like Ctrl-Alt-Del, I do see the action occur on the thumbnail. See attached screenshot. I can provide access to the system and log files if needed.

v7 can't connect first time after boot

pecharron, User (Posts: 3)
Apr 05, 2021 6:58:13 am EDT
Support level: Free or trial

While we're working on fixing this issue, please try the following workarounds that might help you to connect to a remote Host:
1. Authenticate/Log in on one of your Hosts where the issue with the "world map" window occurs.
2. Start a Full Control session. The "world map" screen must be showing for some time.
3. In the Full Control window, right-click on the connection tab, select Send key command and choose a command to send (e.g. the Alt+PrtScr command or you can choose any other).
4. If everything goes well the connection should immediately be established.

If the above solution did not help, please try simply closing the Full Control connection window and re-opening it once again right away.

I loaded the map screen for a good 10 minutes. I then tried sending multiple keystrokes and entering physical keystrokes. Nothing changed. I then launched the file manager to confirm I could connect. That worked. I finally closed the window and immediately reconnected, but again it just sat at the map screen.

v7 can't connect first time after boot

pecharron, User (Posts: 3)
Apr 01, 2021 7:07:57 am EDT
Support level: Free or trial
I'll eagerly await a patch as well. I'm having almost the same issue with version and Internet-ID. I was able to connect once with full control remotely, but since then, I can only sit at the map. Hitting keys doesn't work. I am able to connect with file transfer, task manager, terminal, etc. without issues. I've tried multiple reboots and reinstalls on the host system and changing to new Internet-IDs. Host is Windows 10 on a laptop that is logged in. I can provide any additional info or log files by request.