William Sharkey's community posts

Beta testing: Remote Utilities for macOS/Linux

William Sharkey, User (Posts: 1)
Jan 24, 2021 11:12:12 am EST
Support level: Free or trial
Hi Conrad --

Lovely program.

I am using Mac Beta 1.0.6.q

It's very important for my purposes to be able to send function commands to the server. The keyboard shortcuts get in the way and I must use an onscreen keyboard, etc, which really slows me down.

The mac Beta doesn't appear to have this feature.

I was wondering if the feature is implemented but the UI screen for editing shortcuts is not included yet? In that case I can edit the XML config files files (Users/{username}/Library/Application Support/Remote Utilities Viewer [/config.xml or /address_books/general_ab.xml]). But I need to know the <tag names> to insert.

I'm assuming the shortcuts are just not implemented yet because adding it to the ui would be the easy part ;)

If you respond to this message I'll buy a license as I don't believe in free support. Thanks, Wm

~ edit
If you don't plan on adding shortcut customization to the Mac viewer in the short term, I would be just as happy to have an option to disable all remote-viewer shortcuts.
Edited:William Sharkey - Jan 24, 2021 11:22:14 am EST