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sherry lee's community posts

Can not connect to host after set up static ip on the host computer

sherry lee, User (Posts: 2)
Aug 23, 2019 1:55:55 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
it is version I used this version on other unit without problem. I uninstall and re-intall host for a couple of times but it always shows same  internet-ID 229-102-703-311 does it mean I did not uninstall it incompletely?  Do you mind looking into this ID see if this problem is from host or viewer. I feel it has something do with static IP address since as soon as I click OK ,  remote stopped. Thank you for reply so quickly.

Can not connect to host after set up static ip on the host computer

sherry lee, User (Posts: 2)
Aug 23, 2019 10:11:38 am EDT
Support level: Free or trial
Version 6.0 on both host and viewer. Windows 10 on both machine. It worked fine until I set up the static ip on the host  machine. It disconnect right away. It shows off-line in the viewer. Re-create new connection in viewer, not working. Uninstall and re-install host, not working, tried to connect from viewer in different machine, not working.