Finge's community posts

2-User Non-Server Address Book Alternative

Finge, User (Posts: 7)
Feb 15, 2025 11:26:14 pm EST
Support level: Free or trial
Scenario:  a 2 user plus account alternative to RU Server address book syncing.  One user (the owner) has the entire list of computers in his address book on his computer, his viewer.  The other user in a different location, has his viewer installed on his computer with an imported list from the primary viewer altered to display only those computers he needs access to.  Is this permissible without breaking RU rules?

Codec Window on Host Desktop

Finge, User (Posts: 7)
Feb 13, 2025 2:13:14 pm EST
Support level: Free or trial
From a newbie with many questions ... I'm sure this has been addressed before, but my research has turned up nothing to show me how to remove the codec windows in upper right had corner of host desktop.  Most discussions say it can't be done, only changed per codec selection.  I'd appreciate some information on this.  Thanks in advance ...

Free to Pro License Showing Second User as Owner

Finge, User (Posts: 7)
Feb 13, 2025 12:23:18 am EST
Support level: Free or trial
(Upgrade from Free to Pro with 2 users) During the purchase the form asked for a second user's name and email address which I supplied.  In my viewer after swapping the free license with the paid, drag and drop, I was surprised to see that my second user's name appeared in the license as the owner instead of me, with a license type Mini, license count 2.  The purchase receipt is in my name and all login access is via me.  So why is my License Owner available Keys listed as my second users name?  I'm confused and I dare not proceed further especially adding hosts without resolving this. Then there's his credentials to deal with.
Help ...

[Resolved] Multiple hosts viewed via multiple computers from one location.

Robert Burgess, User (Posts: 7)
Dec 29, 2024 1:54:15 pm EST
Support level: Free or trial
Answered my own question by trying it.  Newbee that I am.  76yrs and still learning.  Import license - export import address book - Works just fine.

[Resolved] Multiple hosts viewed via multiple computers from one location.

Robert Burgess, User (Posts: 7)
Dec 28, 2024 12:21:30 pm EST
Support level: Free or trial
I like to use multiple screens on a single computer, and multiple computers in the same location.  Usually adding up to no more than 4 remotes at any one time.  Can RU be used on two computers at the same time from the same location, RU viewer installed on both computers?

Same Free License on 2 Computers

Robert Burgess, User (Posts: 7)
Oct 07, 2023 6:23:00 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial
I apprecite the quick response and this valuable info.  I'm starting with the XP's of my list and working my way up.  I was surprised at the non-responsive "Auto-Logon" function.   I almost made a grave mistake, going ahead and removing the former remote and although I had researched the auto-logon function (in case of reboots), RU did not auto log in as I anticipated.  I had to contact the 2 owner(s) and have them run the host to get back online.  More research turned up that the auto logon function has problems.  It was suggested through more research that the startup host shortcut needed to be present in the StartUp folder of the Start Menu, regardless if it was auto running in services or not.  The suggestion was to make sure services showed the Host auto running and the Run shortcut was in in the Startup folder before more auto and manual reboot tests.  It works that way but all it did for me was make me leary about any more undiscovered "nor working" things and trusting the auto logon to work especially  with machine hundreds of miles away.  I was wondering if this is a quirk with the free program or a glitch in the paid programs as well.  My next test is booting into networking safemode and forced reboots when encountering stubborn or non-responsive mahine.  Needless to say the former remote has been reinstated on these two just in case.  Looks like a few months before I'm convinced to switch.
Again I appreciate the help.

Same Free License on 2 Computers

Robert Burgess, User (Posts: 7)
Oct 06, 2023 10:23:06 pm EDT
Support level: Free or trial Free / Newbee I Be and testing this remote software as of 231006 / If I'm using 2 computers for remote access with up to 10 connections on one computer, can I use the same free license on the second computer as a backup to access the same hosts with my initial free license?  This is to assure that if I have computer problems, I can use the second computer for the remotes and vice versa.