Jack Lee's community posts

Socket error; EIdReadTimeout

Jack Lee, User (Posts: 1)
Oct 03, 2023 8:25:46 am EDT
Support level: Free or trial
The remote computer is online but cannot be connected.

The Viewer logs show a Socket error and a EIdReadTimeout.
03-10-2023__12:02:11__571 InetConnection #620360. Socket error. Name: "user", host: "xx.xx.xx.x:5655". Exception class: "EIdReadTimeout". Message: "Read timed out.".
03-10-2023__12:02:11__572 Connection #620360. Connection to "user" failed. Mode: <Command (command: 22)>.
03-10-2023__12:02:11__573 Context #620360 removed. Mode: <Command>.

Could the support team look into the issue?